
Well-Known Member

World Heritage Site, damage by 4x4s, peace and quiet, blah blah...

At least one of the LDNP honchos is pro off-roading.....

"Mark Eccles, head of management at the park authority, has previously said there were no plans to restrict the traffic. He said off-roading was legal and there was no breach of the world heritage rules. On his LinkedIn page, Eccles describes himself as a motorbike enthusiast."
Not off roading though is it? They dont even know what they think they're trying to protect. They're legal roads. ****in mealy mouthed do gooders
As a regular visitor / wild camper to this exact area who has previously driven the 2 lanes in question on a couple of occasions I have to fully agree with these campaigners. It may appear hypocritical on my part but I have witnessed first hand the destruction being done and will not drive there again. The volume of 4x4 traffic and motorbikes has reached horrendous proportions and is most definitely having a terrible impact on the area and the enjoyment of it for everyone. There is a constant stream of 4x4 & motorbike convoys with zero respect for the area at weekends and it will inevitably have to be banned at some point and it should be done as soon as possible IMHO.
Just like the above poster I do agree that they should be closed OR a permit system like another well known lane in the lakes introduced....

I work both as an outward bound instructor in the Lakes regularly and occassionally in a SAR role too. And these tracks have become herrendous due to the issues already mentioned..
Now before anyone starts I also OFF ROAD too...But myself and those I go with have very strict rules on where to go and always seek local RANGER advise as well as the byways officers and if they ask we not go on a route due to damage or large volumes of traffic even thought we can go legally we stay clear... We also even contact the landowners themselves when possible to see if they are happy for us to use a track.. And as a result have ended up with access to several tracks NOT open to the public... A bit of curtousy goes along way..

I agree that as an off roader we should have access to lanes etc but sometimes some off roaders just don't care and even when they can see a lane is busy or a quagmire they will still use the lane etc instead of just going somewhere else...

As to the article comment regarding the KANKKU folks, They do think THEY OWN THE LAKELAND GREENLANES...
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Do you are both in favour of banning walkers as well. Several high profile fund raising drives at the moment to repair the dreadful damage done to some footpaths by walkers and mountain bikers.
Do you are both in favour of banning walkers as well. Several high profile fund raising drives at the moment to repair the dreadful damage done to some footpaths by walkers and mountain bikers.
Actually I am in complete favour of some paths open to only walkers and mountain bikers being shut down to allow them to be repaired or to naturally regenerate. I feel that SOME walkers, day trippers and outdoor folks feel entitled to do as they please without and thought for others or mother nature. And as such popular paths are getting destroyed, Hence I am involved in the BMC's Mend our mountains project

I sit on both sides of all this in more ways than simply one, I use this Paths, Hill, lanes, mountains etc as a professional, as SAR and for recreational purposes, On foot, Horse back( yes I have two of them) and two and four wheeled vehicals, This just means I often see both sides, and they are all as bad as each other.

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