
Just bought a 2005 FL1. Very rough condition. Very rough idle, hard to start and smoking quite a bit. Given it a thorough service and she now runs sweet. Only thing still present is excessive smoke. Checked all the usual hoses and sensors - all ok. Leak back test performed, 3 injectors fine, 4th hardly any leak back at all. Could this be a stuck valve/ faulty solenoid? would this cause the excessive smoke through over fuelling?
Whipped the injectors out and given them a strip down and clean, if it is a faulty solenoid then then it wont be cured by cleaning. Anyway of checking the solenoid on the bench?
Anyway of checking the solenoid on the bench?

Not really, as it's not a solenoid. The injectors are fired using a stack of Peizo electric elements. These expand a tiny amount when a high voltage (about 90 volts), but low current feed is applied. Don't connect them to a battery or DC power supply, as it renders the elements as scrap. They're pretty long lived though, and don't often give trouble. Normally the metallic components in the injectors fail before the element stack. ;)

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