
New Member
hi all im new to land rover..... td5 and now i need the back air suppenision compresser and cant driver my td5..... has anyone got a spare..... :confused::doh:
dunt worry mate, bob's a real friendly guy really [not!]. someone may be along later to give yer some advice......oh an.......:welcome2:
I think he left...thats 2 posts...i am in awe of the person earlier today that managed 3 posts before they had their period.
For me english is a foreign language but what was his problem?
Had to read his thread twice to understand.

I think BoB is the guard dog who keeps easy offended p*ssies out!

:D good boy
Ya dunt fink me always will find pure oxford english here a looney zone? me is really scared now!
Thx, I got it. But I try to avoid writing that way because I still have to pass some test in english and don`t think that my teachers like that!

And you are right, it is funny and sometimes not to easy to understand slang words.

That is why I like BoB, "burn it" isn`t too hard to translate:p
hi all i got a secon hand it works..yeeeeee haaaaaa is there anyone that:doh: can fix the old one or should i just but it in the bin....

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