evening gentlemen
i was on my way home tonight traveling at 50mph when i hit a small pothole, at that point the front wheel started bouncing uncontrolably on the road :eek: I slowed right down till i almost stopped then it stopped. so then i carried on driving and it was fine, anyway my question is what could cause this is it a nackered shock absorber or could it be something else ?
Yes, it is a knackered shock absorber (damper, for khaos;):rolleyes:) or something else that could cause this.
excuse me there is us wimmins on ere anorl ya know :rolleyes: :D:D:D

I agree with gratch ....shock absorbers knackered. :hysterically_laughi
excuse me there is us wimmins on ere anorl ya know :rolleyes: :D:D:D

I agree with gratch ....shock absorbers knackered. :hysterically_laughi

OR it could be the idler arm , bushings wear out in them or ball joint got knock lose. Also you could get a car load of ladies and hit that bump again might put a smile on there face :D:D:D:D:D:D
sorry minty
i was expecting all the ladies to be in the pub sipping larger and leaving all us blokes at home looking after the rug rats and planning tomorrows repair list for the landy:behindsofa:

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