Led to believe your Disco may also die in the forseable future if u mix it wrong!
All your doing is insuring the SVO ignites, but the fuel pipes are 4mm thick so it should be heated enough this time of year depending on your mixture, im 50D/50SVO at the moment but intend reducing it more in warmer weather. Read the topics related to this they helped me. Any saving on £115.9 per ltr is a boost!

adding the petrol helps ensure that the oil doesnt go gloopy when the temp drops it's got nothing to do with helping it ignite

i've been running near 100% even when it's been frosty in the mornings i've had no problems starting
adding the petrol helps ensure that the oil doesnt go gloopy when the temp drops it's got nothing to do with helping it ignite

i've been running near 100% even when it's been frosty in the mornings i've had no problems starting

How much petrol do you add to it? I've read someone else's thread that they reckon bout 1/2L P to 10L of SVO is this about right?
How much petrol do you add to it? I've read someone else's thread that they reckon bout 1/2L P to 10L of SVO is this about right?

i'm never very precise with how much i put in but that doesnt sound too far off
Cheers mate, it's starting to feel like i'm getting my head round it now! wahoooo!
Noticed Tesco are now doing Soya oil for 80ppl...
DO NOT PUT THIS IN YER ENGINE!!! - i heard it ain;t so good and fooks it up! Summat about strands in it knackering the pump or summat?
Noticed Tesco are now doing Soya oil for 80ppl...
DO NOT PUT THIS IN YER ENGINE!!! - i heard it ain;t so good and fooks it up! Summat about strands in it knackering the pump or summat?
I've used loads of tesco's cheapest veg oil which if you read the ingredients is in fact soya oil. No problems whatsoever with it.Lidl's is me favourite at the mo mind;)
Thought tescos basic was rapeseed oil?

Twas just something i picked up on some forum or other a while back, which people were saying did something really bad, will try and find it and stuff it on ere!
On the subject of petro/white spirit I know a bloke who used to run several vehicles on wvo. He used it neat(ie not mixed with pump diesel) and used to add about 1litre white spirit to 25l oil just to thin it down a bit. He ran a landy, a peugeot and a transit on it with no probs. In the old days before they put all the posh modern additives into derv the truckers used to bung a gallon of petrol in the tank to stop the derv gelling up in the winter. I've put a gallon or so of petrol into my tank by mistake before and couldn't tell the difference.
if you put white spirit in it the dippers will no longer treat the veg as biodiesel and the whole lot will be subject to duty
Am full of truths of dubious truth off tinternet tonight me! (but that one was on the email that got posted again the other day from the CnE bod)
Aye you're right if it's on't net it must be true. All I know is I've used hundreds of litres of the stuff and had no problems. I'm on lidl's now a/ cos it's cheaper than tesco's and b/ cos there's never a queue at the till in lidl.
Theres never a queue in Lidls cause theres never anyone manning the tills so people just bugger off!:D
They stopped putting people on the tills COZ people just buggered off, money saving exercise!
just on the outskirts of Glasgow, a little village called Kernow if yer interested...
Don't bother - am already there!
:eek: :eek: :eek: knock knock...hello...oh evenin Trewy, cuppa tea? will make it wiv Pura if yer want, tis cheaper than water! No, ok cheers then...hang on, why's the back o yer Landy draggin on the groond...and why's me shed door open ...TREWY get ere!!!
:eek: :eek: :eek: knock knock...hello...oh evenin Trewy, cuppa tea? will make it wiv Pura if yer want, tis cheaper than water! No, ok cheers then...hang on, why's the back o yer Landy draggin on the groond...and why's me shed door open ...TREWY get ere!!!

TEA! YEEEEEECCCCHHHHHHHHH:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

err, no thanks, am in a hurry........

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