
I had a couple of 110's and then, when my clutch knee went, an auto Disco 1. The D1 had virtually no maintenance and ended up being like driving naked under Niagara Falls when it rained, but ran brilliantly until it caught fire while the chassis was being welded.

To continue to be able to tow our 3-ton boat, against my better judgement, I bought a Grand Cherokee that had been OK before being left parked for a year. It has some good points - eg attractive looks, galvanised body, comfortable, goes like a rocket and some bad eg hopeless on corners and roundabouts and the killers - in low range the transmission is locked fore and aft so it can't be driven in low on a tarmac/rough ground mix, plus every garage round here just shakes their head and sends me away.
The local main agents don't even have the diagnostics or tools to work on it. The dreadful Merc engine has had to have the traditional black death operated on and the bodywork hacked for injector access. The people that did that don't want me back, but it will be a bargain for someone in an area where a good indy Jeep specialist operates. I'm too old to poke about under cars any more and have little cash left after the Jeep.

SWMBO expressed horror and wouldn't go in my D1, but likes the comfort of the Jeep, so I'm looking for a D2 or D3 or something Japanese that doesn't rust. I've asked a question about low range on the D2 and 3 in the Disco section.

Sorry about the long post.

Welcome to the looneyzone.

One thing to make sure of , is that if you think you will need it, then if you get a D2, make sure you get one with CDL, or budget to have it fitted. A lot of them do not have CDL as std, altho the car is fitted with TC as std which is adequate for most things.

About all I can say except to ask if you are looking for an auto as it does sound like this is the case?

Altho this was written for a manual D2 in mind it may have a few things for you to keep in mind.

This was written by @gstuart to help fellow D3 owners.

Thanks, yes I must have auto as I still have a wonky knee.

I assume CDL is Centre Diff Lock. What I want is not to have a centre diff that is always locked in low range, which is the problem with the Jeep. I assume TC is traction control. Not sure whether this matters or not.

I just want to be able to pootle along normal roads to places where boats are kept then go into low range and have a vehicle that works like a tractor but, if it strays onto some tarmac, doesn't wind up between front and rear wheels.

Not into real off roading or high road performance. My first 110 on cross ply tyres was OK.
welcome to the asylum

A D3 is extremely easy to drive, very comfortable , quiet at motorway speeds

i have to drive an auto, is nice being able to drop the air suspension for ease getting in and out
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