Ian Mackay

Active Member
Ok that's me getting a few miles in after lots of other work, next job appears to be the back prop is clunking about, looks like linkage time, Q, is it straightforward ?
Yes, simple change of a single UJ or rubber doughnut. Both if you're feeling extravagent or they're both knakkered!
The drive from the shaft is ok, its the linkages above it I think.
I think you'll have to explain a little better about exactly which linkages you have in mind there, Ian.
The only "linkages" on the D2 rear prop shaft are as Pawl has said, the U/J or Hardy-Spicer at the front end and the rubber doughnut at the rear end.
A point to note regarding those joints, on a vehicle using all metric sizes, the nuts and bolts on the prop shafts are in fact 9/16 AF.
Sorry, still somewhat baffled. Maybe you could tell us what number it is on the attached picture:-

5 and 13 lol should have done my homework, I have been known to refer to parts by wrong names, I looked for a pic like that, no joy, thanks mate. :)
Change all 4 bushes and the centre roller bearing while it's off. A lot of people just change the centre housing with the roller bearing and top/bottom link arm bushes already installed and leave the outer link arm bushes on the chassis ends.

Only use oem/genuine or proper decent poly bushes it ain't a job you want to do twice. Big press needed

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