
New Member
When i open my back door, occasionally it shuts properly the first time, other times it doesnt catch, and the window doesnt go up!! Do i need to be bit rougher with it and slam it or do ya reckon there is a fault? Ta.:confused:
When i open my back door, occasionally it shuts properly the first time, other times it doesnt catch, and the window doesnt go up!! Do i need to be bit rougher with it and slam it or do ya reckon there is a fault? Ta.:confused:
could be yer door latch ,its got a micro that tells pooter ta lift window up er tad [if its jammed should get a toot warning and should show as door not shut] if its a removable roof , its got a switch in the roof bit that could be sticking. . . . .
could be yer door latch ,its got a micro that tells pooter ta lift window up er tad [if its jammed should get a toot warning and should show as door not shut] if its a removable roof , its got a switch in the roof bit that could be sticking. . . . .

ere Minge - the window goes up a bit wiv a fixed roof too.
unless yer meant......

could be yer door latch ,its got a micro that tells pooter ta lift window up er tad [if its jammed should get a toot warning and should show as door not shut]. That could be sticking. . . . .
if its a removable roof its got a switch in the roof bit.
just be a bit more assertive with it. Try chanting "YOU WILL SHUT BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO SHUT SO JUST F*CKING SHUT" while you close it.

Mine needs a good firm shove too.

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