
Well-Known Member
Hi all 5 years ago my p38 blew the head gasket (might have been my fault ) anyway I bought a supercharged l322 and have done over 130k in it since. Anyway a couple of months ago I went to the p38 fixed the head gasket and after 5 months off we go loads of stuff needed doing but all done and now MOT'd.
One last issue is the suspension. Replaced the bags as it had been sitting in the garden for 5 yrs now it holds up but when I start her up she raises about 25mm the pump runs pump stops there are about 3 clicks she vents a bit and relevels then goes through the sequence again anyone any ideas - was wondering if it was pressure sensor?
Hi all 5 years ago my p38 blew the head gasket (might have been my fault ) anyway I bought a supercharged l322 and have done over 130k in it since. Anyway a couple of months ago I went to the p38 fixed the head gasket and after 5 months off we go loads of stuff needed doing but all done and now MOT'd.
One last issue is the suspension. Replaced the bags as it had been sitting in the garden for 5 yrs now it holds up but when I start her up she raises about 25mm the pump runs pump stops there are about 3 clicks she vents a bit and relevels then goes through the sequence again anyone any ideas - was wondering if it was pressure sensor?
It needs to go on diagnostics, the pressure sensor is unlikely to be the problem. When you say "it holds up" does that mean it goes to normal height and stays there? Or is it only raising 25mm from the bump stops?
As it's been stood fore a long time, check and clean the connectors in the EAS box, do the same with the connectors for the height sensors for starters.
Yes it raises to normal height I did al the connections in the EAS box but didnt do the height sensors - I now don't have diagnostics for the p38 so need to buy some any recommendations (i have a 11D tool for the l322) .
Yes it raises to normal height I did al the connections in the EAS box but didnt do the height sensors - I now don't have diagnostics for the p38 so need to buy some any recommendations (i have a 11D tool for the l322) .
I can supply the RSW EAS software & cable or you can download the software free and make your own cable. Needs a Windows laptop.
If it raises to normal height with no faults, there cannot be much wrong. Do yo have the bonnet open when the cycling of the compressor occurs? If so, see if it's the same with the bonnet closed.
Its the same with the bonnet open and closed - Is there a cable and software that works on a Mac - I used to have all of it
On another note we were down in the Vendee earlier this month might need to pick your brains re info on weather for the region as we are looking to buy in France we have spent years and been all over and sort of narrowed it down to Dordogne or Vendee
Its the same with the bonnet open and closed - Is there a cable and software that works on a Mac - I used to have all of it
On another note we were down in the Vendee earlier this month might need to pick your brains re info on weather for the region as we are looking to buy in France we have spent years and been all over and sort of narrowed it down to Dordogne or Vendee

Think Mac works with the Windows emulator. Or there may well be a Nanocom near you as you're near Heathrow. @brianp38dse is down that way.
I am going to buy a nano com evo for the Gems engine that will give me a chance

I think with Datatek's lead you can do the EAS. Think GEMS might handle ODB2 and nothing much else tends to need codes read on the petrol.
I could do with getting the faults read and cleared as can't use it till I get the was sorted or it will burn out the compressor
When are you around?
I'm in Langley just up the road from you. I assume if you got the MOT it's drivable ? If you want I can connect Nanocom over the weekend ?

PM me if you want to come over.

Its the same with the bonnet open and closed - Is there a cable and software that works on a Mac - I used to have all of it
On another note we were down in the Vendee earlier this month might need to pick your brains re info on weather for the region as we are looking to buy in France we have spent years and been all over and sort of narrowed it down to Dordogne or Vendee
It can be a lot hotter in summer and a lot colder in winter in the Dordogne than the Vendée. It depends where you go in the Vendée what the weather will be like. I'm biased, I like the Vienne, it usually has almost as much sun as the med but without the temperature extremes. I like the Dordogne, but judged it too far for regular trips to visit my kids in the UK. Not a good time to be thinking of moving here because of the Brexit uncertainty. in France at the moment ? I received my letter from the u.k Govt.. the event of a no deal Brexit, health cover will only be guaranteed for 6 months...It seems to be chaos.
I agree with Data as far as the Vienne is concerned. More sun than most of the rest of the country, not as blisteringly hot as the Dordogne in summer, not as wet as the Vendee in winter. As a general rule keep south of the river Loire for better weather, and inland to escape the worst of the gales/storms.
The exchange rate is not good at the moment for transferring stirling, might be best to wait a year. If we had crystal balls life would be so much easier. in France at the moment ? I received my letter from the u.k Govt.. the event of a no deal Brexit, health cover will only be guaranteed for 6 months...It seems to be chaos.
The UK government will do anything to get out of paying for health or pension increases for Expats, they need the cash to squander elsewhere like on illegal immigrants that have never paid and never will pay into the system:mad:
Fortunately for us we have no ties to England at all and I do hope it doesn't effect any of you who still do.. it's a bloody shambles imo..
Fortunately for us we have no ties to England at all and I do hope it doesn't effect any of you who still do.. it's a bloody shambles imo..
Apart from grown up kids I have no ties with the UK other than my pension income.
If you have ever worked in the UK and paid NI, you will have residual pension rights for the future.
Rain seems to have stopped, so it's back to loading the caravan.
Apart from grown up kids I have no ties with the UK other than my pension income.
If you have ever worked in the UK and paid NI, you will have residual pension rights for the future.
Rain seems to have stopped, so it's back to loading the caravan.
It's going to throw it down here,it's looming in the air!
We've two older lads in England and my pension was frozen at the point of leaving and never heard from again??
Taking the transit with the caravan? Don't forget to leave a washing machine by the caravan when you park up!!
Proper gypo/traveller!!:p
It's going to throw it down here,it's looming in the air!
We've two older lads in England and my pension was frozen at the point of leaving and never heard from again??
Taking the transit with the caravan? Don't forget to leave a washing machine by the caravan when you park up!!
Proper gypo/traveller!!:p
You can at the moment continue to make contributions to you UK state pension.
Got an old fridge, will that do instead of the washing machine?

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