Where in NZ? I will be roaming north island!

Around auckland for most of it probably, my aunt lives in auckland so staying with her, my sister and nan are there too currently so its like a family meet up on the opposite side of the planet :p
Did a bit of shopping today, and when its a 200 mile round trip you do it properly ;)

Had to go back for a second trolley :p and the beer was bought from somewhere else :p

Splashed out abit too :D

Well there goes half this months wages :(
Did a bit of shopping today, and when its a 200 mile round trip you do it properly ;)

Had to go back for a second trolley :p and the beer was bought from somewhere else :p

Splashed out abit too :D

Well there goes half this months wages :(

OO, OOO, OOO, new lens, new lens !!!! can I have one.:bounce::bounce:
New viscous coupling, water pump, belt, tensioner and HT leads today, finaly replacing my welded up viscous unit for a proper one :) changed the water pump as a precaution really as it gets preety hot out here and its prwety remote so played it safe ;)

Just new plugs to go :)
How you work in this heat I don't know lol was 46c in Alice

Australia is bloody awesome :D
How you work in this heat I don't know lol was 46c in Alice

Australia is bloody awesome :D

Its obly mid 30's here this week, practically chilly !! Have to wear a jumper in the mornings and a jacket yesterday when we were mustering 12000 acres :D

Yes. Yes it is ;) although im still going on holiday to nz next week :p
You still enjoying it out there then, mate?

Hope so .. ;)

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