
Well-Known Member
Evening all, long shot, is there anyone in the Carlisle area that may be able to help my brother who has flat tyre and as it transpires now a flat spare, on the M6 not too far south of Carlisle.

He has tried foam in it but says he can still hear air escaping.

The best shot would be someone close with an Aygo - Peugeot - Citreon etc. that could give him a spare. I would then arrange to get it back on Monday via courier etc plus something for your troubles.

AA only willing to take him to Carlisle, which doesn't much help as no where would be open till tomorrow - he's a young student coming up for jury duty on Monday so wasn't exactly an ideal weekend escape!

Thanks all.
Got a can o gas foam extra handy in my vehicle. Maybe a second lot might help and im in Carlisle at present. Wheres he trying to get to?
Hi Duncan,

AA is sending a tyre van - if they have a tyre on board he will get a new tyre fitted, he is 12 miles south of Carlisle so not too bad but far enough away that I would suggest wait it out just now.

Both my brother and I thank you for your offer and we will keep you posted over the next half our or so!

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