
New Member
Corroded axle tie bar mountings on a 1993/4 RRC Vogue... big job or little job? Is it worth going to see it and driving 60 miles each way or should I not bother?

YRM do these for the Disco/Defender


not sure if they are the same for a rangie? I would have thought so, though. £7 each plus VAT and delivery.
I did em on me deepender back along. Repair brackets from Paddocks about 15 squids, then about an hour's grinding and welderin.
Not too bad a job.
You can now get repair brackets for the shock mounts too.

Went to have a look anyway... it's a lot worse than some corroded bracketry... the chassis as a whole looks like it's more or less on the way out, so was the bonnet and both halves of the tailgate. Didn't take me long to stop looking for things that were wrong and start looking for things that were right.

It's not a Vogue, although someone's tried hard to make it look like one at some point. About the only thing that was right was the alloys- ho hum... I'll keep looking then ;)

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