
New Member
Hi all,

I've been taking off my leaf springs today just to give them a once over. Having done that, re fitting the right hand side leaves (to my 1982 series 3 swb) has left the axle around an inch and a half further back than it rests on the passenger side, and wont move forwards at all. It is as if its caught or locked on something and wont move forwards to slot into the original position. It will move up and down but not left to right. Could it be that the prop shaft has jammed at the slip joint? However the prop shaft is still free to turn by hand. It looks as if the slip joint could be stopping the axle from moving forwards but as I'm still new to this sort of thing, I'm unsure what to do! Please help!

Thanks in advance

I can't get the prop shaft bolts undone. The nuts are about to round off if I try anymore. Anyone got any suggestions on how to get the rusty nuts off?
heat or a nut splitter, get some new bolts and nuts from ian as he is a top bloke and will do you a good price, you should never re use the old bolts n nuts
I dont know what the prop shaft should have to do with it.
The boss on the axle needs to licate on the 'pip' on the spring.
Looks to me like the spring is hanging crook, a little twisted, and the axke's not dropping down onto the right place.
Big hammer, brute force, to get the spring shifted into line, then 'wiggle' to get the pip located and lined up, then it should clamp up nice and tidy.

Unless I'm missing something?!?
Whey! All sorted guys! I ended up using a scissor jack mounted on a block of wood at the rear of the leaf spring to edge the axle forwards gently with a hydraulic jack lifting the axle until it reached the correct position! Huzzar.

Unfortunately I struggled to put the U-bolts back on as I was trying to put on of the smaller ones back on the offside bracket, as a result the threads were too short! Duh! Got it all working and back together now! Thanks to all for your help! I'm sure this won't be the last time I post on here.
I dont know what the prop shaft should have to do with it.
The boss on the axle needs to licate on the 'pip' on the spring.
Looks to me like the spring is hanging crook, a little twisted, and the axke's not dropping down onto the right place.
Big hammer, brute force, to get the spring shifted into line, then 'wiggle' to get the pip located and lined up, then it should clamp up nice and tidy.

Unless I'm missing something?!?

Maybe the splines on the propshaft are tight so this is what 'was' stopping it go forward :D
I think it must have been to be honest. The axle was definitely not in the right place and wasn't moving forwards. Cheers for the input all :)

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