That's exactly why it was on stands he sold his wheels and didn't get the new ones instantly. Seen a discussion on Facebook about it it's on wheels again now.
OMG! Those axle stands are different colours! Two are red and two are yellow. They are obviously highly dangerous and if a small child has had beans for dinner and farts as he walks past it could be blown off those stands and land on top of him (or her).

Seriously tho' I'd have used something a bit more substantial - especially if I was going underneath it.
dont know why the police said they couldn't do anything about , as by virtue of it having all wheels removed it is then causing an obstruction on the highway all covered by Highways act 1980 (as amended)
OMG! Those axle stands are different colours! Two are red and two are yellow. They are obviously highly dangerous and if a small child has had beans for dinner and farts as he walks past it could be blown off those stands and land on top of him (or her).

Seriously tho' I'd have used something a bit more substantial - especially if I was going underneath it.

Mine often up on 4 axle stands with no wheels. Mainly for jet washing purposes after off roading as it's easy to get in the arches/underneath and give the brake calipers a good clean out. Never seems unstable on 4 stands. And that's with me climbing over it to clean the roof. :D

Wouldn't work underneath it on 4 stands though. Even when I'm working under it on 2 stands I always put the wheels I took off with a large piece of wood under the chassis as a just in case sort of thing. :)

Can't imagine it'd be to pleasant having 2 tons of disco land on you! :eek:
OMG! Those axle stands are different colours! Two are red and two are yellow. They are obviously highly dangerous and if a small child has had beans for dinner and farts as he walks past it could be blown off those stands and land on top of him (or her).

Seriously tho' I'd have used something a bit more substantial - especially if I was going underneath it.

More substantial? For example?
As long as the axle stands are rated for the weight it'll be fine.
dont know why the police said they couldn't do anything about , as by virtue of it having all wheels removed it is then causing an obstruction on the highway all covered by Highways act 1980 (as amended)

Assuming it is on a public highway?? Could be a private road. I'm currently working on an estate that used to be housing for prison officers road is privately owned by residents.
dont know why the police said they couldn't do anything about , as by virtue of it having all wheels removed it is then causing an obstruction on the highway all covered by Highways act 1980 (as amended)

Really? If the wheels were on and its legally parked then they couldnt say its an obstruction could they?

And another genuine question, do cars fall off axle stands frequently?
you'd have to give it a hell of a bump to knock it off 4 axle stands.

Bit Of Snobbery and Nimbyism in action I reckon.

I agree, I dare bet if it was washed and polished nothing would be said, my series 3 has been on and off axle stands since August and not a word from the neighbours or neighbourhood watch officer:clap2::clap2:
I am confused as usual. I was going to put mine up on axle stands (rated 3 ton each) at highest setting to help with room when I change over my leaf springs (on my driveway I may add), but people are saying they wouldn't work under it like that. So if not like that, how???
So the safer way is higher rated stands? Think mine are four ton but ive worked under my motor on em.
Had a set of 8 ton 4 legged ones that I borrowed from work and used when I was changing my axle. Very solid, heavy bits of kit BUT they were nowhere near as sturdy as 3 legged ones.

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