you'd have to give it a hell of a bump to knock it off 4 axle stands.

Bit Of Snobbery and Nimbyism in action I reckon.
might be on axle stands but they are all facing the same way. a good shove from the back and that would fall over. One of my first lessons when I worked in a garage.
Try it with 2. put a bar or broom handle across 2 facing the same way. one way you won't be able to move them but push the other and it will flip straight over. they should be used with 1 leg facing forward on one and 2 legs facing forward on the other one ( assuming they are the same kind of ones used in this picture.)
Mr Gathern said: “My son is a typical boy and him and his 10 and 11-year-old mates would think it was a wonderful thing. They’d be wanting to climb into it, on it and under it"

Erm... get yer kids under control then, instead of letting them climb on other people property :rolleyes:
Just had another look front 2 stands are almost facing the same way but not quite. but rear ones are deffo facing opposite ways.

having a single pair both facing the same way might make it easy to shove off. but with four on you'd need to apply enough force to lift the vehicle as it was been shoved due to arc of travel of the stands.
dads a control freak with a boring life and needs to voice his authority,his kids a brat and not under control,disco should not be on 4 stands but is not going anywhere soon
Try it with 2. put a bar or broom handle across 2 facing the same way. one way you won't be able to move them but push the other and it will flip straight over. they should be used with 1 leg facing forward on one and 2 legs facing forward on the other one ( assuming they are the same kind of ones used in this picture.)

Ty for that mate, advice to be used very soon on my own vehicle, suppose it's common sense but I ain't got a lot of lol
Huh... I had a vehicle at the bottom of my drive at the old house, one wheel off on an axle stand - police called me up (got number from neighbour) saying if i didn't remove the vehicle "instantly" they would have it removed as it was "incredibly dangerous"

After pointing out that they were ringing me because i was clearly not at home and was working in London and that removing it instantly was clearly impossible, they agreed to give me until the end of the day to remove it or put the wheel back on.

I imagine if the same policeman saw this one he would actually have a heart attack.
To be fair , when doing repairs on the public highway i always try to leave it in a state where it just looks like a parked car.....its just manners.

I was round a mates and one of his neighbours had an old volvo perched on 2 stumps of tree and no rear wheels on the main street....that id have reported, front wheels werent even chocked either possibly in gear but id still have chocked it.

Meanwhile ill leave cars on my drive on stands on the provisio that if you think its dangerous you stay the #### off my drive......
I don't like using axle stands used for supporting all four corners, that Disco would not need much of a shove to have it on the floor. I'm happy to use axle stands for one corner or one axle but for lifting the whole vehicle I prefer to use something a bit more substantial.
It doesn't look like the best supported vehicle in the world but I wouldn't mind betting that it would take a concerted effort to have it over. As for kids climbing over vehicles that's just a stupid attempt at reason and would probably result in an outraged letter to the local paper.......

I imagine this is much more about making the street look untidy and probably originates from someone parking in front of someone elses house in 2003.

Neighbourly disputes have a knack of leaving reason far behind
Shhhhhh! Don't tell anyone BUT my Landy is on 4 axle stands for the winter months! BUT ive locked the garage doors so that the boy in the house next door and his friends don't climb all over it and under it! ALTHOUGH ID TAN his backside if I caught him! kind regards. Chris
Jeez they wouldn't have liked mine then. My old landy was on axle stands on a slight hill for a few weeks with the front axle off and the axle lying underneath it. I didn't have to worry though as my neighbours aren't ****ers and their kids aren't brats so I can't see them climbing all over it. Some people just have nothing better to complain about
Any little scroat clmbing under my motor deserves to get squashed. And what does a disco weigh? Ive tried pushing fenders and rrc's on wheels and thats hard enough.

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