aye so just hand yer self in. am sure flaps ill be willin to do the nickin and boost her 'busted' total up to one, although it will probelly only count as a 1/2 seein as how you handed yer self in
The reason they can leak oil if the breather pipe is choked up is PRESSURE.
The whole axle body is filled with cold air when you start off, and in driving the whole caboodle warms up quite a lot so the air expands (Charles's Law) and that taking place in a fixed confined space causes an increase in PRESSURE (Boyle's Law) inside the axle, and that blows the oil out anywhere it can escape from.

If the breathers work freely the inside of the axle will always be at the same pressure as the outside.

It follows from this that if a slight partial vacuum were to be applied to the breather pipe it would stop anything leaking out of the axle because it would suck a little air IN instead. Just stay well clear of water if you try this.

The reason they can leak oil if the breather pipe is choked up is PRESSURE.
The whole axle body is filled with cold air when you start off, and in driving the whole caboodle warms up quite a lot so the air expands (Charles's Law) and that taking place in a fixed confined space causes an increase in PRESSURE (Boyle's Law) inside the axle, and that blows the oil out anywhere it can escape from.

If the breathers work freely the inside of the axle will always be at the same pressure as the outside.

It follows from this that if a slight partial vacuum were to be applied to the breather pipe it would stop anything leaking out of the axle because it would suck a little air IN instead. Just stay well clear of water if you try this.


wots that gotta do wiff HB murderizing me?
Yeah but it were th'other bloke wot only 'ad one arm an' 'ee wur definitely a bandit
So, let me git this right. You stick coins in 'er slot & pull her one arm & yer might win a prize?
If you put coins in her slot first, you'd need to be careful what you did next .... After all, you wouldn't want to damage the tip of your glow plug by hitting it off a handful of smash.
Are oil seels the same as navy seels, and are those the ones that eat fish ? need to know cos i am starting the job in the morning

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