Re-read the whole thread u started. U'll find that trewey was the one giving you advice at first, and kept on giving you advice where others would have given up seeing as it didn't seem you knew what you were on about!

If people try to help you feckin appreciate it, you won't get no more help on this forum with **** like that.
WOT ADVISE DID YOU GIVE ME? i took halfshaft out and did inner and outer seals. never had a ford and never will. think i will stick we my landie. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
its like going to the doctors, tell him the symptoms, answer a few questions, recieve a diagnosis.

thing is if you tell him the wrong things he wont know how to treat you, call him a **** and hell kick you out the surgery!!
yeah it's really good i've heard. Proper names for it are PABA, Boron, Acidolphilus, Bee Propolis.

You'll feel dead good bout urself after taking this ****. Ur pharmacy will have some.

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