
New Member
Only had her a few days, but noticed yesterday she is making some awful noises..

They are coming from the left side, and more towards the front wheel underneath..

The closest I can desrcibe the noise it makes is a wire coathanger dragging, getting caught up in something metal. It makes a kind of scraping/squeeking noise.

Mainly in first gear, and the time it was at its worst, was after I had done a left turn, so bad it made me stop, get out and look underneath to check there was nothing stuck/trapped anywhere.

I had a good look last night, and can't see anything...

Anyone got any ideas what it might be?
One thing to check (although you may have already) is the aux belt/pulley for the a/c. Mine did this but only when the a/c was on - it was the underbody panel that had lifted up on an edge and was getting caught in the belt mechanism.
Worth a look.
One thing to check (although you may have already) is the aux belt/pulley for the a/c. Mine did this but only when the a/c was on - it was the underbody panel that had lifted up on an edge and was getting caught in the belt mechanism.
Worth a look.

Thanks Norbet, but sadly (in this weather) my freelander doesn't have aircon..
Sounds very much like a stone is trapped between front left brake disk and its splash guard (do you drive over gravel a lot?) it can usually be sorted by putting something like a long screwdriver through the holes in the alloy wheel and gently pushing the splashguard ( a circular piece of thin metal slightly larger than the brake disk) at the bottom which usually allows sufficient gap for the stone to drop out.D..
Hi Suz - just noted your previous posts re prop shafts - these haven't been refitted now have they? If so and you get this sort of noise be prepared for some bad news.

I haven't driven on any gravel yet.. only had her a few days. She had new pads put on 2 days ago from the guy I bought it off.. so there shouldn't be anything like a stone trapped in there, but will do as you described just in case. It only happens in 1st gear though, surely if there were a stone in there, the sound would be apparent more when breaking? which it isn't..
Hi Suz - just noted your previous posts re prop shafts - these haven't been refitted now have they? If so and you get this sort of noise be prepared for some bad news.

Hi Norbet... no, propshaft hasn't been fitted yet.. hopefully getting it on this weekend... and yes, have prepared myself for some bad news! hehe
On mine I had an anti squeal shim move slightly and start rubbing on brake disc may be worth checking if pads have been done recently.
Sounds very much like a stone is trapped between front left brake disk and its splash guard (do you drive over gravel a lot?) it can usually be sorted by putting something like a long screwdriver through the holes in the alloy wheel and gently pushing the splashguard ( a circular piece of thin metal slightly larger than the brake disk) at the bottom which usually allows sufficient gap for the stone to drop out.D..

I have had this aswell, I could only hear it scraping at low speeds.
Hi Norbet... no, propshaft hasn't been fitted yet.. hopefully getting it on this weekend... and yes, have prepared myself for some bad news! hehe

It looks really smart in the photo, fingers crossed its ok when the props are on it.
some pad manufacturers adhere a emery type surface to the pad to clean up old disc, if one of your pads is sticking these noises can occur, check the pads are free moving

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