Like i said, i set this hoping people will post given more detail on the cars they have seen, giving potential buyers a heads up. Wish i had had someone do that when i was first looking, my first P38 was a nightmare (admittedly my fault for rushing into), and it could have easily been avoided. The car i posted, in my opinion, is not even worth a viewing. Hopefully saving people time and fuel.
Like i said, i set this hoping people will post given more detail on the cars they have seen, giving potential buyers a heads up. Wish i had had someone do that when i was first looking, my first P38 was a nightmare (admittedly my fault for rushing into), and it could have easily been avoided. The car i posted, in my opinion, is not even worth a viewing. Hopefully saving people time and fuel.

It may of helped if we knew where you are from, I don't trust posters that won't post their location.:)
Still crazy money. Holland & Holland are just a vogue spec with a bit of matt finish wood & some picnic tables to pander to the image concious. Who ever paid 22k for one needs their head examining. A County is a base model, worth around £4-5k tops with that sort of mileage. There must seriously be a concentration of idiots around their neck of the woods.

Your description of the spec is wrong. But agree 22k is crazy.
Ah an image buyer. Names mean nothing to me, all I want is something that works, I prefer no names, indeed when I was buying new, I always had the model info deleted where possible, BMW offered this option.

Nothing to do with image.
I said, having a Holland and Holland would make a difference to me.
I did not say that I wanted one with Holland and Holland badges on it to show others. The Holland and Holland spec is quite nice, especially if kept tidy.

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