So on the M42, rush hour, hard shoulder in use, I should have stopped, and died from, cars, trucks, etc driving over the top of me, You have to get to the nearest refuge, which are quite far apart!

But I guess, actually most of you would have liked me to stop, then I wouldnt be typing on here!


Take the hint your acting like a troll as you have on the RAC Forum- try a cup of shut the **** up and remove the banana's from your ears.

I did not comment on the repair or the location of the pipe, both are arguable.

If the engine had died you would have had to of stopped, you could have used the hazards and after alerting other drivers brought the vehicle to a gradual stand still- you chose to continue to drive.

So if you cut the whiny bitching nonsense out, then there those of us who know a thing or two about these things- otherwise feel free to **** OFF

PS the report button is the triangle at top of post- please feel free to try it out:D
Take the hint your acting like a troll as you have on the RAC Forum- try a cup of shut the **** up and remove the banana's from your ears.

I did not comment on the repair or the location of the pipe, both are arguable.

If the engine had died you would have had to of stopped, you could have used the hazards and after alerting other drivers brought the vehicle to a gradual stand still- you chose to continue to drive.

So if you cut the whiny bitching nonsense out, then there those of us who know a thing or two about these things- otherwise feel free to **** OFF

PS the report button is the triangle at top of post- please feel free to try it out:D
In half a dozen words someone tell me what the OPs problem is cos I cant be arsed to read the first post all the way through :eek:
Bleed screws break for two reasons,

1, cause the material is fatigued through all the heat cycles they have to endure over time


2. the same as point 1, but the engine is overheating for some reason causing excessive pressure in the system which could cause the bleed screw to break.

Not sure what they are like on Disco V8's, but on peugeots they are only a bloody tyre valve cap anyway. (easy fix eh?)

If the bleed screw was fatigued then this should of been picked up during the correct service intervals and replaced! (It Pays to service your vehicle correctly!)

As soon as the screw broke the pressure of the system would rapidly evacuate some of the coolant and the engine would start overheating, maybe in localised spots causing warping of cylinder heads etc.

Taping up the pipe is a joke, I cant believe you drove the vehicle after seeing this repair being carried out, i definitely would not of drove on, knowing the V8 to be an all alloy engine.

Your Fault Mate!!

However Rac man should know better too!
Can I have some spares? Or have you cooked it soooo badly there's nothing worth having left?
Don't get that you knew what was wrong with it, and didn't fix it yourself? Is it cos you fabricated all that story to make the RAC look bad so they'd buy you a new engine? You didn't get what you want so now you're starting a hate campaign to still try and get a new engine?
Hmmmm you claim to be an expert, have all the knowledge to fix it, then destroy it yourself cos you know it's got no coolant? I think you're a muppet. It was completely avoidable! By you! Go moan to someone who gives a sh1t.
Arrr ok, so I made the hose, that had stayed in position for many years all of a sudden jump up and throw itself into the pulley! lol ok

And the temp didmt rise, was normail one minute, to pushing the top rest over the next!

Thanks for your support

Blame the manufacturer of the rad hose for not fit for purpose. Or Land Rover for bad design. :mil5:
So it wasn't the tape or the broken bleed screw that caused it! So why the big issue about it? Oh it's cos you want a new engine! Is that why you destroyed it?
While it MAY have been possible to claim an unsuitable repair- stating the manufacturer put a bleed nipple in hose and by taping it rendered the removal of air impossible in bleeding.

While the hose may have rubbed alternator that is subjective

The ISSUE is that the OP could have used the Hazards to warn other drivers and bring the vehicle to a safe controlled stop. Instead knowingly the driver chose to continue while fully aware the car had suffered cooling failure.

That is my opinion on it, so while the op may claim cost of any RAC repair charged back possibly- claiming for an engine cooked is unlikely to succeed.

Now my previous comments may seem harsh,
But the OP has Trolled the RAC Forum and as we have **** ALL to do with the problems- arsey demanding rude newbies need to wind their necks in.
While it MAY have been possible to claim an unsuitable repair- stating the manufacturer put a bleed nipple in hose and by taping it rendered the removal of air impossible in bleeding.

While the hose may have rubbed alternator that is subjective

The ISSUE is that the OP could have used the Hazards to warn other drivers and bring the vehicle to a safe controlled stop. Instead knowingly the driver chose to continue while fully aware the car had suffered cooling failure.

That is my opinion on it, so while the op may claim cost of any RAC repair charged back possibly- claiming for an engine cooked is unlikely to succeed.

Now my previous comments may seem harsh,
But the OP has Trolled the RAC Forum and as we have **** ALL to do with the problems- arsey demanding rude newbies need to wind their necks in.

I've come across this before! IMO It's any tactic possible to get a free repair. Possibly even stooping to sabotage realising he had already screwed the engine! So personally I'd take anything with a pinch of salt and ban him!
i've come across this before! Imo it's any tactic possible to get a free repair. Possibly even stooping to sabotage realising he had already screwed the engine! So personally i'd take anything with a pinch of salt and ban him!



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