It doesn't really take a genius to work out that a vehicle that spends it's life in a high rainfall climate, Scotland for example, will have more issues with corrosion than a similar vehicle that is in a dry, desert like climate, say California, it's not rocket science?
It doesn't really take a genius to work out that a vehicle that spends it's life in a high rainfall climate, Scotland for example, will have more issues with corrosion than a similar vehicle that is in a dry, desert like climate, say California, it's not rocket science?

You don't say....:rolleyes:
Haha, what a thread.....yeah I accept that and untreated chassis might fare better in a less wet and salty environment but how about comparing a central area of scotland to a coastal town in the south of England...with nice salty air?? Then when you condsider all the different chassis treatments out there then its anyones guess which fare better. I would guess the majority of owners do nothing as compared to the majority of landyzone members who all love a good bit of chassis protection, quite rightly so.
At end of the day, for me I do treat my chassis, but on the other hand I drive to some weird and wonderful locations, not stopping for a minute to think what damage this environment might cause my chassis......thats why I bought a land rover ;)
Nothing wrong with that at all they are getting old now even the young ones, Just a tip don't use used engine oil use chainsaw bar and chain oil as its ultra sticky and starves the rust of oxygen for longer, also it doesn't pi**all over the road, cost £12 for 5ltrs and is well worth it been there done that!

I find that used diff oil works very well and does not drip.
It doesn't really take a genius to work out that a vehicle that spends it's life in a high rainfall climate, Scotland for example, will have more issues with corrosion than a similar vehicle that is in a dry, desert like climate, say California, it's not rocket science?

Not rocket science at all and its a well known fact that vehicles up there rust out far quicker.. and big lad used diff oil is excellent stuff!!
Ho Ho here we go, right let's get the face paint on and head down to the English border.... Bannockburn revisited ...
Not rocket science at all and its a well known fact that vehicles up there rust out far quicker.. and big lad used diff oil is excellent stuff!!

Show me the "FACT". It must be documented some where??? "My mate down the pub says" doesn't count I'm afraid.

This thread is complete and utter bollocks. How the f--k does anyone know who, in what country, or from what area, treats their chassis for rust protection? We all know that anything that spends its life next to the sea rusts quicker. How much coastline does England have compared to Scotland. I don't know, and don't really give a ****. Who keeps track of how much time a vehicle spends of its life in any one area. A load of old crap...:mad:
So someone comes to Scotland for a whole month and is now an expert on all Discos up here. I wonder if he bought a BMW to take home.
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Bugger me I ain't been there in years. Driven past it but not went for a wander. Looks a bit of a dump these days though, all the interesting bits are gone
Bugger me I ain't been there in years. Driven past it but not went for a wander. Looks a bit of a dump these days though, all the interesting bits are gone

DVD's Tabaca....get yur DVD's & Tabaca here...two fur a fivar.
I mind seeing the dvd guys bundle everything up into a sheet and #### it into the back of the van because the police did a raid. Same with the baccy guys, they stuff it inside their jacket and do a runner. Was always a good laugh
I mind seeing the dvd guys bundle everything up into a sheet and #### it into the back of the van because the police did a raid. Same with the baccy guys, they stuff it inside their jacket and do a runner. Was always a good laugh

Only Fools and Horses don't have a look in on the Barras Boys.

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