Hi folks, have 2 d1's at minute, both avalon blue, but both green on log book. Is this right, or was it down to the person registering them being color blind. Need to know if i need to change v5.

cheers Dazza
I used to have a e36 BMW that was a kind of blue but on the log book stated green. I had another car that the logbook stated black but was obviously grey.

I think with some colours you have to beslightly subjective when registering them.
DVLA have an official listing of acceptable colour descriptions. You're only allowed to describe a vehicle with one word, unless it definitely is two or more distinct colours. So a dark greeny, bluey grey colour has to be described in a way that a thick plod in a poorly lit area would understand.
My 109 is still "blue" even though its NATO green, need to get the new logbook back so I can change it over
Oh well, confused you will be. Not bothered about one of them as i am breaking it, but other is my play toy, so need to keep things right. Does look greeny grey in some lights. I suppose it has been green on v5 for 19 years, so would have thought someone would have picked up on this, if it is wrong

cheers Dazza
If it was registered that way and you haven't changed to colour then it should be fine.

I wanted to register mine as Kawasaki green but the miserable barstewards changed it to green!!

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