
Active Member
Hello guys and Girls,

I grew up seeing and was driven in a few Landys when I was a kid. Moved to Canada in 1992 and now will be in Barbados and South America for a while.

I am mechanically and electronically knowledgable and loved working on autos since I was a kid and have a great amount of tools. My last business was actually a Euro car performance shop which I have since closed last year, I have shipped about 2/3 of my massive tool collection to Barbados.

I hoped I might have a good chance of finding a 1990s Defender 110 LWB in Ok shape here to work on a s a project to refurbish and upgrade, but that seems like it was a dream hope.

Since the UK is the birth mother of Landys I thought it be easier to find reasonably priced Defenders there but they seem to be scarce too, they seem to be collectors choice and a fun project for many.

Are the 4 door station wagon styles almost as scarce as the other preferred models? How do they rate in pricing compared to the other models? What can I expect to pay for one with an ok bulkhead, frame and engine in the station wagon line?

Thanks so much for any feedback.
Hey Barbados.

A few years ago I was in the same position as you.

Welcome to Landyzone BTW, this is the greatest place for info and entertainment about Landies.

I would not have been able to bring my D90 in and keep it going without these guys at this forum.

I suggest you do what I did, dig around, ask lots of dumb questions and dont rush.

Lots of info on this forum and lots of helpful people.

Have fun and good luck.
Hey Barbados.

A few years ago I was in the same position as you.

Welcome to Landyzone BTW, this is the greatest place for info and entertainment about Landies.

I would not have been able to bring my D90 in and keep it going without these guys at this forum.

I suggest you do what I did, dig around, ask lots of dumb questions and dont rush.

Lots of info on this forum and lots of helpful people.

Have fun and good luck.

Thanks Natas. Yes great forums such as this has awesome guys, priceless information and resources.

I just went by a neighbour who is from the UK with a 2004 130 he bought from new. What a sweet machine. He has no intention of selling, don't blame him.

I will keep hunting for a toy I can give a good home.
Hello guys and Girls,

I grew up seeing and was driven in a few Landys when I was a kid. Moved to Canada in 1992 and now will be in Barbados and South America for a while.

I am mechanically and electronically knowledgable and loved working on autos since I was a kid and have a great amount of tools. My last business was actually a Euro car performance shop which I have since closed last year, I have shipped about 2/3 of my massive tool collection to Barbados.

I hoped I might have a good chance of finding a 1990s Defender 110 LWB in Ok shape here to work on a s a project to refurbish and upgrade, but that seems like it was a dream hope.

Since the UK is the birth mother of Landys I thought it be easier to find reasonably priced Defenders there but they seem to be scarce too, they seem to be collectors choice and a fun project for many.

Are the 4 door station wagon styles almost as scarce as the other preferred models? How do they rate in pricing compared to the other models? What can I expect to pay for one with an ok bulkhead, frame and engine in the station wagon line?

Thanks so much for any feedback.

Welcome along. By 4 door station wagon, do you mean a 110 CSW? They are worth a considerable bit more than the 2 door 110 vans. Same goes for 110 double cab pickups.

110 2 door vans are probably the cheapest to buy really. The CSWs are abit rarer especially if looking for an early 90s one as they seem to have only become very popular in the later years especially when they got the TD5
Keep asking the questions, and research the forums any probs just post and any number of us landy obsessed nutters will try and help, this is by far one of the most knowledgeable sites...just dont worry about the odd crazy comment from some :)
Depending on how easy and pricey spares are where you are I would say keep it simple, avoid TD5 (sorry guys its good but its got eletcrickery bits) NA engined 90/110 is the simplest yet slowest ( I have ex mod 110 and dont care as its fab) but 200 & 300 tdi motors have also proven superb and easy fixed.
Good luck with the search let us all know how you do :)
might be good to get an ex-military 110 - plenty about and ripe for complete upgrades etc
Welcome along. By 4 door station wagon, do you mean a 110 CSW? They are worth a considerable bit more than the 2 door 110 vans. Same goes for 110 double cab pickups.

110 2 door vans are probably the cheapest to buy really. The CSWs are abit rarer especially if looking for an early 90s one as they seem to have only become very popular in the later years especially when they got the TD5

Thanks for the reply Dave. Yes the CSW would be my first choice, then the 4 door with enclosed back, sorry for my bad terminology and lastly the two door van.

Wished this was in production :)

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Keep asking the questions, and research the forums any probs just post and any number of us landy obsessed nutters will try and help, this is by far one of the most knowledgeable sites...just dont worry about the odd crazy comment from some :)
Depending on how easy and pricey spares are where you are I would say keep it simple, avoid TD5 (sorry guys its good but its got eletcrickery bits) NA engined 90/110 is the simplest yet slowest ( I have ex mod 110 and dont care as its fab) but 200 & 300 tdi motors have also proven superb and easy fixed.
Good luck with the search let us all know how you do :)

Thanks for the input and tips SmilySteve, you guys are a great bunch indeed. I can import my own parts since they will ask for your first born here with cash for anything auto related, it's unreal.

Autos here have an almost 200 percent duty and other tax charges, it's disgusting.
Some might be driven to stick a Kia badge on an imported Landy to avoid taxes and even so, the people here love their Kia :confused: and would pay big bucks for them as opposed to an older Landy.

might be good to get an ex-military 110 - plenty about and ripe for complete upgrades etc

Have thought of looking into the military surplus models Flat but they might either have been stolen or stripped naked with their parts sitting in pieces in homes all over.
Thanks for the input and tips SmilySteve, you guys are a great bunch indeed. I can import my own parts since they will ask for your first born here with cash for anything auto related, it's unreal.

Autos here have an almost 200 percent duty and other tax charges, it's disgusting.
Some might be driven to stick a Kia badge on an imported Landy to avoid taxes and even so, the people here love their Kia :confused: and would pay big bucks for them as opposed to an older Landy.

Have thought of looking into the military surplus models Flat but they might either have been stolen or stripped naked with their parts sitting in pieces in homes all over.

Huh? I meant from the uk and get it shipped over. Withams sell the direct as army release
Huh? I meant from the uk and get it shipped over. Withams sell the direct as army release

Oh ok, from the UK makes more sense indeed, though the army here still use them to today. I will look up Withams and will do some research.

Three reasons I would live to get the 110 in one of the CSW, two door enclosed or two door van.

One, I love the old school look and strength, secondly, they are nice to work on and thirdly, I need the room to transport my Giant Scale RC aerobatic airplanes to the flying clubs. :)
After chasing three leads for three parked 110s, all sold, one went dirt cheap. Old lady had a 2000 Defender 110 CWS, needed window fixed, battery and a bit of TLC, was a steal of a deal for someone at US $2000.

She said it was sold just over a month ago. People here are asking ridiculous prices like US $ 7,000 for non working ones needing lots if work. I hate these damn places where there is stupid duty on autos topping 200% it's almost extortion here.

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