Why do you think only 3 countries throughout the democratic world use AV, and one of them, Australia, wants to get rid of it?Tazz

...we do!??? since when?? I never saw the referendum on that! Mind you I dont vote, could be why I really don't give a flying f**k! :p

carry on .............
...we do!??? since when?? I never saw the referendum on that! Mind you I dont vote, could be why I really don't give a flying f**k! :p

carry on .............

Yer right, you don't, but there is some dodgy and incorrect propaganda being shoved through our letterboxes at the moment which for some reason is full of lies trying to make us believe that a fairer voting system is the wrong way to go!
Wot I can't understand is why politicians state that only 3 countries use AV, yet all the UK political parties use AV do decide their leaders :confused:. If they think it's best for them, why not for us?

Why no option for PR?
the current system gave us a long period of conservative government where they did pretty much as they pleased with no effective opposition .... followed by a spell of labour government with no effective opposition where theyve done pretty much as they please, if we stick with it we could get another long spell of labour..... last one out turn the lights off please ...

the no to av arguments seem to be at best miss quotes and half truths designed to confuse and frighten people..... funny both the main parties are against it

at the last few elections ive wanted to vote ukip to voice an opinion about the eu , but ive had to vote conservative... to keep the liberal idiot out....... the result is all three main parties beleive theyve got far more public support than they actually have..... i think an election under av would give them all a shock with massive votes for ukip, the greenies, the welsh and scots even bods etc....it might be whats needed to wake some of them up to the real dissenchantment of a lot of the population with how the countries been run for the last 50 years....

think jve convinced myself to vote for av.......
Doesn't matter who we vote in.... everything stays the same...as the same group are still running the country behind the scenes.

Democracy = a smoke screen to fool commoners into believing they have a little control. :doh:

Roll on the revolution

I'll get my coat....whoosh gone. :focus:
I'm voting no to AV but before everyone jumps down my throat listen to my reasons:

Av is fairer but only 'proper' AV which is known as 'Full Preferential Voting'. This is where the numbering is mandatory IE you have to number the candidates in order. The half arsed system (AV) that is being put forward here is not going to make that much difference as a lot of people will simply just vote for one candidate.

Both the YES and NO campaigns are making outrageous claims but the fact of the matter is if either wins it will actually make very little difference. I simply don't think that now is the time to waste the extra money implementing a half arsed weak AV system (known as defacto). Most places will not get there preferences distributed as they will have a strong candidate who gets over 50%.

Seriously people I wouldn't spend to much time worrying it won't make a lot of difference.
The politicians are bitter and scared thats why such audacious claims are being spouted in parliament. The main thing here is that the coalition may come apart in the fall out from this referendum. The Libdems are likely to 'lose' the AV referendum if you believe the poles and they are also going to get hammered in the local elections its not a good time for them.

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