
New Member
Since Sunday our previously very reliable Disco V8 is having problems with starting. Initially, we thought it was the battery so jump started it with mixed success, sometimes it started, sometimes didn't. When it started it wnet fine for the rest of the day but wouldn't start next morning. We replaced the battery yesterday and it started immediately, took it out a couple of times last night with no problems then it wouldn't start again this morning. We got an Auto Electrician out today who thinks it may be the immobiliser but are waiting on him getting back to us.
Any ideas?
If thats wot the man says it is , It is,
You paid him to have a look, its hard to fix over a PC
I thought my old Audi had an imobiliser fault when I first got it.
It wouldnt start for no reason then it would,
Then I thought if this was my old car I would say the starter solinoid was at fault
And it was
Thanks, he said that it COULD be that but that it was a 3 1/2 hour job and if it wasn't that he's have to look at other things, starting to sound expensive..
If the dash lights dim when you turn the key then it's a mechanical/electrical issue as in its drawing power but not turning over. If nothing happens then it is an electrical issue as in immobiliser or not even sending power to the starter.

Check for the car being in p or n and wiggle the gearstick to ensure it is.
If the dash lights dim when you turn the key then it's a mechanical/electrical issue as in its drawing power but not turning over. If nothing happens then it is an electrical issue as in immobiliser or not even sending power to the starter.

Check for the car being in p or n and wiggle the gearstick to ensure it is.

It's trying to turn over but won't catch, there seems to be plenty of power, all lights illuminated and not dimmed but even after pressing the fuel cut off switch it won't catch. It's really frustrating as it was starting with a jump but won't even do that now.
You say it's trying to turn over, you mean it is turning over or is struggling/slow?

If it turns over then you need to check for spark and fuel. Take a plug out and ask a friend to crank the engine. If you get a spark then you need to check for fuel. You can see if there is pressure at the fuel rail or simply smell the plug when you take it out for petrol vapour.
You say it's trying to turn over, you mean it is turning over or is struggling/slow?

If it turns over then you need to check for spark and fuel. Take a plug out and ask a friend to crank the engine. If you get a spark then you need to check for fuel. You can see if there is pressure at the fuel rail or simply smell the plug when you take it out for petrol vapour.

Sorry, it is turning over and seems to have plenty power but won't catch. We can smell fuel and the auto elec checked the spark plugs which I assume must have been ok because that's when he mentioned to my husband that it could be the immobiliser.
Don't let the doc touch it, it will never run again and will be in pieces in his garage :p have you checked ht leads, coil and distributor cap?
Are you not doing it yourself?

:mad: 'helpless' female, so no.. but interested in cars and like to know what's going on so that if similar problems arise in the future I'll have an idea what it might be. Husband exactly the same so have to rely on the honesty of who we get to look at things

We do have a friend helping us out but as he's stumped now we're having to look at getting more help.
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:mad: 'helpless' female, so no.. but interested in cars and like to know what's going on so that if similar problems arise in the future I'll have an idea what it might be. Husband exactly the same so have to rely on the honesty of who we get to look at things

We do have a friend helping us out but as he's stumped now we're having to look at getting more help.

Female, now I'm listening. Husband, balloon popped :rolleyes:
I had all of that happen to my v8i
I had fuel, sparks every thing except starting. The dizzy cap on mine was good along with the rotor arm, stumped me for a while. What it turned out to be was a badly worn distributor, loads of play in it causing to fire sometimes and not others.
Try getting hold of the rotor arm pulling it up carefully and turning it to see how much play you have in it? It should also spring back when you let go. Be warned it can also separate from the bottom internals and then you will have to take it right out and put it back together.
This happened to me at first and i put it all back together only for it to fail again with way too much play in the shaft. I bought a snatch back carb distributor complete and fitted that, Small wiring mod done so I can now fit either.
I would imagine there is a power loss due to the advance/ retard on the carb dizzy. Forgot to mention I even done the spider bypass before realising it was a badly worn distributor.

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