Harold 4x4

Active Member
The missus has a 3 door 2001 TD4. Yesterday I got out of the car, closed the door whilst leaving the keys in the ignition then returned to find the car locked - is this normal? (Fortunately the missus had the spare set of keys in her bag so no inconvenience)

In addition, sometimes the car 'beeps' when I get in having unlocked via the fob, but will stop 'beeping when I push the 'unlock' button again :confused: it seems as if there are 3 unlock settings: one push for unlocking the drivers door, two pushes for all doors, then push again to stop the 'beeping'....

Can anyone explain please?

ps. Bought the car in October ready for the Auvergne winter - works perfectly with the mountain roads and snow over here!
the beeping is telling you that the battery in the remote fob needs replacing. push once to unlock the drivers door, twice to unlock all doors.
My 2005 td4 has never locked automatically and when I am in work it is unlocked all day some days with the key in the ignition .
The contacts in the fob can come adrift and cause trouble with its operation.

I wonder if it's possible that dodgy contacts could cause a signal to be transmitted without touching the fob?
The missus has a 3 door 2001 TD4. Yesterday I got out of the car, closed the door whilst leaving the keys in the ignition then returned to find the car locked - is this normal? (Fortunately the missus had the spare set of keys in her bag so no inconvenience)

In addition, sometimes the car 'beeps' when I get in having unlocked via the fob, but will stop 'beeping when I push the 'unlock' button again :confused: it seems as if there are 3 unlock settings: one push for unlocking the drivers door, two pushes for all doors, then push again to stop the 'beeping'....

Can anyone explain please?

ps. Bought the car in October ready for the Auvergne winter - works perfectly with the mountain roads and snow over here!

I had the same problem with an early XEDI in 1998. I was away on business and shut the door with the keys in the ignition. As I watched it locked itself! Everything including my phone and wallet was in the car. I resisted temptation to break the window. In those days nobody knew much about freelanders - least of all the LR dealers, who couldn't help at all. I thought that they would be able to just open it. No chance! I had to arrange for spare keys to be posted to me. Never made the same mistake again and got rid of that car in 2000. Probably a rogue wireless signal or maybe a loose connection where the wires go through the door on the hinge side?
I have a brand new fob that gives the same 'beeping' problem, so maybe it isn't the fob battery?
As for the automatic locking - I'm completely stumped!?
We had one Freelander do that twice, never experienced it in any other, but I won't trust leaving the keys in.
Since day one (jan 9th 2001) my car is parked in the garage and I leave the keys always in the ignition (off of course), never found it locked by itself for all these years ??
my td4 has done the same luckily i was at home at the time.beeping ?mine has done it since new and my wifes has done as well , dealer has no idea why so cant be battery
my td4 has done the same luckily i was at home at the time.beeping ?mine has done it since new and my wifes has done as well , dealer has no idea why so cant be battery

why not? if a dealer said it was raining i'd have to check myself:rolleyes:

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