cold comfort farm

Active Member
Hi All I have a problem where the oil cooler pipe wont come free from the male/male adapter. Yep tried everything I can think of. Does anyone have a part No for this so I can get a new one. Its NOT ESR 1253 as it seals against an o ring on both sides.
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i know your problem, as far as i know you can't get it separately, from what i was told they come with the oil cooler rad.

As i was replacing the pipes i just cut them off close to the nut, then i removed the adapter from the rad complete with the pipe end, i could then get the blow torch on it.
Thanks Guys, Hifly, thats what I have done but it just wont budge. The only thing left is oxy heat it rather than blow torch. I am not worried about the o ring I have lots in the garage.
Here is a pic.
Looks like a quick fit compression fitting fitted during assembly by LR to join the two pipes.
So not suppose to be a serviced or a replacement part, maybe that's why it may be a problem to disassemble.
Yes I agree however there is a recess where the o ring fits. However I took it to a local fitters shop and lots of heat and two foot stilsons won the day. I need to clean all the rust off now then it can go back together. I can see why it rusts it gets the brunt of all the water.
ya that's the little bugger, it is threaded on both sides and is supposed to come apart but the nuts on the pipes rust onto the adapter so badly they are next to impossible to remove, when i finally got mine off some of the thread was damaged and needed a bit of work to clean it up.

I was told by the workshop guys at a landrover main dealer they were not available as a separate part and are only supplied with the cooler,

perhaps i should make some stainless steel ones.
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