Hey guys - just a quick question...

Looking into buying a Disco (prob 300TDi) - On the road I prefer an auto, but I just wondered for off-roading - how does an auto box effect the off-road ability and enjoyability?

My understanding is that it is much harder to "rock free" with an auto box. Also, how does engine breaking work with an auto?

Thanks guys,

All down to personal preference, there is probably a bit more skill required using a manual off road than an auto, but on the flip side you dont have to worry about gearing in a sticky situation with an auto, i know people who have put auto boxes in defenders for off roading, mines a manual but i wouldnt mind either way, as for engine braking, an auto box has 1st too
Depends what you mean by off roading. The biggest problem with autos is descending steep (40 degree +) hills. Otherwise I'd go for an auto.
Doesn't apply to current generation vehicles, auto every time for them.
Hey guys - just a quick question...

Looking into buying a Disco (prob 300TDi) - On the road I prefer an auto, but I just wondered for off-roading - how does an auto box effect the off-road ability and enjoyability?

My understanding is that it is much harder to "rock free" with an auto box. Also, how does engine breaking work with an auto?

Thanks guys,

i run a manual 200tdi on my mate has an auto box on his 300 tdi,swears by it and hes had both manual and auto boxes..aparantly they are better for off roading,other peoples views may differ tho..
Well, I really like my Auto 300 TDi

To be honest, I'd probably be the other way round an prefer manual for ON road - but then I drive like a nutter and have to left foot brake to control the auto properly on roundabouts.

When not driving like a nutter Auto all the way.

In general, if you also need the car to commute (like I do) then get a set of AT tyres, an auto, and you'll have lots of fun green laning.

If you want to go pay and play - take note of the PAY bit and buy as a 'toy' car and have something else to go to work.

DISCLAIMER : My advice is worth exactly what you paid for it!
I've driven both off road. Auto has one advantage off road. If you do an ascent which needs a good run up for the first bit (2nd gear low) but then has a bit at the top which needs less speed (1st low) (or vice versa) then the auto comes into its own as it can change gear while still applying power. In the manual, you'd need to compromise and choose one gear, or try to snatch a quick change at a convenient point, which might not exist.
I've just bought an auto, but that's because I think the auto is a better alternative if you want to tow stuff.
I think the auto is a lot easier if you make a cock up like mucking up a hill climb and it does free up your brain to be thinking about others things (such as avoiding trees and cliff edges etc). No possibility of dipping the clutch by mistake and ending up making your way back down the hill in reverse, even faster and more undignified than the way you came up it.

I've got an auto Disco 4 which is awesome in the rough and just got an auto P38. Although the older Rangey doesn't quite have the same descent control as my Disco, it's still plenty good enough for what I'll be doing with it. With 2.7 tons of metal strapped to you I think it's a miracle that it descends as slowly as it does.
It's a difficult one.

The manual is probably more reliable (I'm thinking electrics and water) and maybe less susceptible to expensive problems, you lose a bit of torque through the auto box, and also there is this engine braking thing, where going downhill you're never directly connected to the engine, so you will lose a portion of your engine braking, and your always holding back the drive with the brakes, but the auto gives a smoother power delivery, so despite all the above things, it is technically the better box for off road terrain, cos you never lose drive or make sudden changes with an auto.

I have a manual and wouldn't want anything else though, I just wouldn't trust an auto, and I like my positive engine braking.

I always go back to what was used on camel trophy or g4 challenge, because that's probably the best option!
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It's a difficult one.

The manual is probably more reliable (I'm thinking electrics and water) and maybe less susceptible to expensive problems, you lose a bit of torque through the auto box, and also there is this engine braking thing,

i do disagree with some of that
the engine braking is perfectly fine, just select 1st in the box and it slows down fine
the Auto is THE RELIABLE one, not the manual, becuase you cant burn the clutch out on an auto which happens too often with people driving offroad and riding the clutch
Auto every time no contest been playing round with gears for years and got a 200 auto put in my 110 ace fun now changing to v8 3.9 efi auto on gas select the gear you want if you put in 1st it stays in 1st if you put in 2nd it will go in 1st then 2nd and alternate to what it needs if you lock in 3rd will go 1, 2 then 3 as it wants.
point it boot it and hold on

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