New Member
Hi all

Maybe just me but I think I may a slight problem with my td4 auto box/clutch.
Let's say I am driving along and I come to a hill or a corner, if a take my foot off the throttle to slow down the engine will slow as normal until it gets to low revs then it feels as if the clutch has disengaged and I'm now coasting.
Pretty sure that's normal for an Auto. Take your foot off the throttle and the car will coast and the revs drop.

If you put the box is 1st and do it, you may get more engine braking - ie the the box will try and raise the revs.

Been over 10 years since I've driven one though.
I understand that but what I mean by disengages is the revs dropping to idle when I could be slowing down round a bend and breaking at 30/40 mph.

That's correct and normal.

There's an overrun program running, which basically disconnects the engine from the gearbox on over-run. This is part of the design, presumably to help improve fuel efficiency.
This over-run is cancelled under some conditions, like slow speed low gear driving, or at motorway speeds, where a bit of over-run breaking is helpful.

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