
New Member
I'm looking for a 200/300 TDi Disco, as a toy really. I would prefer a manual, but seem to find more autos, which leads me to ask a few questions.

1) how much less economy are they? Are we talking <5mpg difference, or half?

2) Are they more or less reliable than a manual? Any problems to look out for?

3) long term, could I get a manual box and swap it for the slush box? Much work to swap them?

4) what are the off road benefits/drawbacks of a slush box? I know on the gaylanders the autos are preferred for off roading - similar for a disco?
depends on your journeys ,long runs over 50 with box locked up mpg is about the same ,short runs around town the reduction in mpg is very noticeable
normally more reliable and long living than a manual,but you take a chance with any box when you get to 20 years old
you can just swap out auto and fit manual with relevant parts like pedal box
personal preference ,i prefer auto others dont
Brilliant, thanks for that. I had previously ruled out an auto, but that does limit the search, and if I really don't get on with it then will do a box swap further down the line.
I have an auto and love it but know others don't. It took me a while to get used to as it seems to be over-revving until it locks up but that's just the way it works.

It has lovely seamless changes and performance seems fine.
Only issue is it doesn't go into lockup below 50 but will stay there down to 45 if you can get it in there in the first place.

This can make it frustrating if the car in front is a Mr 49 as it is like not being able to sneeze.

So I tend to accelerate at the idiots until I hit low 50s let off throttle revs lock then slow back down.

Box doesn't appear to adapt to driving styles, and always seems to change up at the same speeds.

A little crude compared to some other torque converter autos but nothing to complain about.
I understand from the forums that the 200/300 Tdi engine is not a good match to an auto box, after all the box came from the higher revving RR V8s, although LR did try to improve things by fitting its electronic diesel control, but according to the forums, owners do prefer the manual unless they have a petrol engine.
I had a 300 tdi auto it was good when it worked it had a tendancy to get hot mpg difference was about 5mpg they are good about city but are lacking on motorway but tdi engine was very good and I enjoyed working on it td5 engine a lot harder to get at stuff if I could find a mint disco with 300 tdi engine I would jump at it as would a lot of disco owners

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