
New Member
Hi, My 2011 Freelander seems to have a mind of its own, can slip into cruise control like mode at random, happens at low speeds, accelerates to about 58 KM (36 mph) and remains at this level for miles until I either brake or change down. Cruiose control indicator does not come on. Garage has tested all systems without any obvious fault !!! Any views pl ?
It sounds like it could be an ECU fault.. best advice is to get it back to LandRover and don't let them fob you off...with excuse's
I've heard a complaint of this before.

I hope your not offended by this suggestion, but are you driving the vehicle at really low rpm?

If your driving at low rpm, the ecu will maintain those rev's even if you take your foot off the acellerator. This is the ecu 'anti-stall' kicking in.

If you can only get the car to fault at low rpm, this is what its likely to be. If you can get it to fault above 1600rpm+ then its probably a fault.

The complaint i heard before was driving 30mph ish in 6th gear manual box i think.

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