future proof

New Member
I started out this festive season convinced that the Disco was going to need to go back to the dealer under warrantee. If you gunned it at 30mph it would not change up to 4th at 50-55mph. It just kept trying, like it had hit a rev limiter (but it was the gears) Eventually several tries later, it would get it right, or I would back off and have another go. Now 1500 miles later, a trip to Devon, some off road stick and towing a horse box (with the neddy in) it seems to be OK. If I take it to the dealer now they will say NFF. I am interested to know if this is the adaptive stuff "adapting" and if it is, how many miles/powerups/trips are needed. I am not completely dim with this type of thing and I would go for software or a sensor fault, as when it works it is fine, and this can be for 300 miles ! Oil level is good and it is not temp influenced. It is a really late "run out" Disco II. I would be grateful of any help or ideas.

While I am here - how would I know if my Disco was one of the recall ones with the ABS ECU fault, and if it has been fixed if it was a recall one ?

Cheers y'all
It could be a couple of things, either its overboosting or an air flow meter fault.

If its an air flow meter fault then it won't reach maximum revs and the car will surge, sort of feels like its changing up and down gears all the time (only at full throttle)

If its overboosting, it will reach maximum revs and you'll get a sort of missfire sound to it.

check the wastegate and make sure its not seized, also make sure all the pipes to the wastegate and modulator are ok.
Cheers for the suggestions.
I will clean the MAS sensor with some contact cleaner, it does not feel like the turbo, but I can check that while I am under the bonnet.:) :)

Cheers again
Hi, i was just looking at past problems trying to find an answer to my gearbox problem, i came across yours it sounds very similar to mine. i was reading what answers you received from other people and wondered if you solved the problem? thanks
Not really.
I cleaned the MAS sensor with contact cleaner and the air line. It improved matters and it does it so little now that it is not an issue. I did suggest that the dealer may like to look at it as a warrantee issue, but it came back NFF.

Hope this helps

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