
New Member
Hi folks - long time no post. Got bogged down with flooded houses and smashed up Freelanders in July and not been back on since.

Happy to report that house is dried out and Freelander has now had in excess of 14k. spent on it in repairs (I said they should have written it of!!) and is now back on the road.

I have a q for other TD4 Autobox owners. When I kick down the box drops a gear and holds that gear until I ease off the gas, similarly in Sports mode - the gear is held redlining until I back off - I am sure this used to change up automatically once it hit the rev limiter.

OOh you win the most spent on a gaylander award...good job it wernt your money
Reckon so Sirus - the reason the insurance people gave for not writing it off was the amount of cars written off due to the flooding. I have since found out that the insurance company recommended a write off and their assessor advised against it. The car was off the road for close on three months and still has problems, my solicitor is now fighting for a 'dimiution' figure as well as a sum for loss of use.

PS - where in Stourbridge are you? Norton here
Just been & tried it (2004 Td4 Auto) In kick down, D & Sport, it changes up at just over 4000 rpm (but short of the red line @ 4500) In Command Shift it will change up as far as 4th, but doesn’t want to go from 4th to 5th.
Cheers Dave - probably me being a bit thick here but will it change up automatically from 4th to 5th in normal driving mode or is it just Sports Mode that it holds in 4th - mine is holding in 4th until I back off and I am sure it used to change up automatically as soon as it hit the redline
get oil changed and if still probs then shagged box. mine was like that - lasted a year - then i sold it.

if yu wanna get it fixed - get a supplimentary gearbox oil cooler at the same time - they are prone to overheating.
In both D (normal) and Sport kicked down both 5th to 4th & 4th to 3rd and held my foot down and each time it went up through the box to 5. Tried a couple of times in Command Shift, selected 2 and floored it and it changed up to 3rd then 4th, but held at just over 4000 rpm and would not change to 5th. Gave up then, in today's wind and rain it was getting dodgy!
Might try on the way to work tomorrow when there's less traffic about.
Cheers for that - I would be interested to see if it playing up or not. I would ask my dealer but, strangely enough, I don't really trust 'em to tell me the truth (call me old fashioned!)
If it is buggered then I will get it done under warranty I hope
Mine does this as well - only it seems to lose power at the point you would expect it to change gear.
Went into an independent for warranty work, and they changed the MAF. Bit better, but not perfect.

Looking forward to getting back to a VAG car when I move this one on! Really like driving it, but a bit nervous about accelerating hard uphill!

Be very interested in knowing what the answer is to your problem - mine's an 02 plate with 50,000 miles on the clock. Still under LR Approved Used Warranty until June '08...


even in command shift, (steptronic), the engine & gearbox have sensors which (should) prevent the driver selecting a gear which would result in over-revving. Try selecting 1st gear using command shift then pull away, accelerate but don't change gear. The gear box will change up at the upper limit, regardless of what you do with the command shift.
If yours is redlining, that doesn't sound right. Try changing the fluid in the autobox, then seeing what happens.
(just waiting to get mine back from service, auto box fluid change hopefully today, so will let you know what difference it makes later)
Mine seems to hold on to the gears longer when it's cold - not sure why - may transmission oil being cold has that effect?
I think they all do that, I don't whether its a fault, a quirk or intentional to help with a cold engine.
Actually I spoke with a few auto transmission guys and they think that the gearbox is not at fault- it is known to happen on ZF's espcially when cold. They did mention it could be electrical.
So which components directly affect the control of the gearbox?
tried it on mine tonight. no matter what mode the gear box is in, it won't go past 4250 revs, without changing up, nowhere near the redline, certainly not near the limiter.

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