
New Member
Quick question: How the hell do you remove the gear knob from a Disco2 auto?
I've searched, checked the service manual I have on CD but have drawn a blank. The little swine is solid as a rock and I can't see how it comes off.

A quick answer would be much appreciated.

If it's same as Rangie, lift top cover off knob, 19mm socket down the end and remove nut holding it on. Remove circlip attached to centre shaft and it slides off. Make sure you have at least a couple of spare 6mm circlips as they fly off and are impossible to find.
Hmmm, leather bound gear knob. No visible way into the top of it. Can't see any circlips and it doesn't want to twist off. This one's really doing my head in :mad:
Still haven't managed to get the little bugger off yet! Land Rover dealer didn't know either :eek: Anyone else know how?
Short of x-raying it to see inside, it must be SCREWED or GLUED to the lever.

That means you have an even chance of unscrewing it.

Is you a betting man ?

put it in neutral and yank upwards hard, it will come off, they only clip on. to refit, slide the knob on then with a clenched fist, bang it back on, it should click into place.

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