ok this is the running order so far

Redhand ( Leading )

Muddy Gonzo ( Leading )
Nathan 5346
Eltax 91
Bobblers mate

There is space for two more vehicles if anyone wants to fill them.
Just a bit of background info for those that have never had a run out with us, we tend to all just chuck in together with the food and cooking, the atmosphere is very relaxed and we all take the ****, 9/10 times we always camp nr a pub so we can relax and unwind in comfort and it also helps feed Johnlads habit.
During the run if your like me and manage to break down then we arent to far away from paddocks and theres also a breakers in chesterfield that caters for the landys.
I dont think we'll meet Op Blackbrook as there not really gonna be covering the areas where we will be.
Apart from that theres not much else to say really, for those coming on friday the area we will be camping on is pretty rough ground and the midges come out in there thousands so bring some bug killer, and the pub over the road is very nice and the barmaids are cracking, just beware of the 3 stooges if there around this time.
Just read a few of the early post on this thread n sin talk of bbq i got a portable gas bbq i could bring if needed?
Missed out the chair throwing then three rounds with bazz in the nettles

That was a surprise for everyone and besides the beer is better in these pubs so no robust action will be required, wish you could make it up pal will miss your cooking, mechanical skill and we also now need to find a photographer, in fact I think your being very selfish in not coming up mate.
If you wanna pack the BBQ mate then by all means feel free I'm sure it will be put to good use I'm gonna do a curry for fri night anyway, so it'll save everyone messing about when they arrive.
Afraid I'm going to have to drop out of this run :mad:

I've had some work offered me which I just can't turn down ( good earner with lead and slates ).

This means there's no way the disco will be finished, got another transfer box half built but won't have time for the rest of things that need doing.

Sorry to drop out so late, was looking forward to it.
ok this is the running order so far

Redhand ( Leading )


Muddy Gonzo ( Leading )
Nathan 5346
Eltax 91
Bobblers mate

There is space for three more vehicles if anyone wants to fill them.
Anyone got an old radio i can av to throw in me disco? ive got 1 but cant get a poxy lead fer it and dunt wanna spend £40 on a new un
Anyone got an old radio i can av to throw in me disco? ive got 1 but cant get a poxy lead fer it and dunt wanna spend £40 on a new un

What lead do ya want I picked 2 disco radio leads out of halfrauds clearance bin think one a a kenwoods & tuthers a pioneers (but will need to check) they've even got the remote control leads for the disco dash controls.
ok this is the running order so far

Redhand ( Leading )


Muddy Gonzo ( Leading )
Nathan 5346
Eltax 91
Bobblers mate

There is space for three more vehicles if anyone wants to fill them.
ask duky disco/Tim C:D
What lead do ya want I picked 2 disco radio leads out of halfrauds clearance bin think one a a kenwoods & tuthers a pioneers (but will need to check) they've even got the remote control leads for the disco dash controls.
its a jvc 16pin thingy iso
will have a look later..
Fits in ere
Gonna keep the numbers at this now i think

Muddy Gonzo
Nathan 5346
Eltax 91
Bobblers mate

hopefully nobody else will drop out

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