Hi All,
Was wondering if anyone could offer any advice on this please ?
In essence I'm shortly be disposing of my 57 plate Freelander 2 and was wondering if i could swap out my audio unit with my Fathers 10 plated Freelander 2. (My unit has a 5 deck CD player whereas my Fathers is only a single).
Now to swap out the units is relatively straight forward, and the Radio and Aux works but my dads car doesn't seem to recognise the the CD unit from my car after i fit it. You can cycle through all the modes but no CD appears.
Any ideas ??

I'm not that up on the FL2. But from what I've read. A lot of changes to software and hardware took place over the production run. This makes swapping units from different year's and specs a pain, or impossible.
Thanks both for the replies.Regarding the changing of the configuration is this something that can be done at home, or is it a main dealer type thing ? Or is it too much of a pain. Thanks
Thanks both for the replies.Regarding the changing of the configuration is this something that can be done at home, or is it a main dealer type thing ? Or is it too much of a pain. Thanks

Config files can be modified at home on a decent diagnostic tool like the Gap IID BT. It's not worth buying one if it's just a one off though. Or a dealer should be able to do it, if they are happy too. Sometimes they don't like messing with configurations, as there can be an element of risk or corruption to existing configuration files.

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