
Active Member
Right last week someone attempted to do the door lock on my defender, Couldn't say if it was in Darlington or the garrison. The at 0400 this morning my dogs woke me up to some one trying to enter my house then tampering with my Defender. Dogs were going mental so I got dressed put on some boots and went outside , gone no sign of them but a LDV van was parked near the rear of my house and left just after as I was checking the street .

Just had the Police round its either my defender or my dogs they are after. Apparently they had a spite of these 2 year ago. So they are checking CCTV. I am now 200 notes lighter as I ordered 2002 onwards locks and handles as they are more robust than the old style....

Not ####ing impressed one bit......needless to say I shall be sleeping dressed wea quick hillwalking shoes at the ready......if they're stupid enough to come back
what I,m thinking I shall be quicker off the mark this time

can you chain it to a big post/tree or something, either over the axle or through the rim?

With the bit about trying to get into your house get a can of wasp spray handie by the door that shoots 20 feet very effictive
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can you chain it to a shotgun or ap mines or something, either over the axle or through the rim?

With the bit about trying to get into your house get a can of wasp spray handie by the door that shoots 20 feet very effictive

changed to coincide with wot peeps are thinking ;)
can you chain it to a big post/tree or something, either over the axle or through the rim?

With the bit about trying to get into your house get a can of wasp spray handie by the door that shoots 20 feet very effictive

I have my 2 German shepherds that will wake me. Defender is 4 ft from my door from the first bark I can be out the door in seconds as the wife calls the police / ambulance. Plus its in a Garrison so CCTV in and out everywhere. Police have me on their radar so quick call to them and they aint getting out wea out IT been seen.

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