
Weds night some F****r tried to steal my 90:mad2:, they cant have been too smart though cause all the did was manage to destroy the ignition barrel:crazy:. nothing was taken and no other damage...luckily!!


As a result its made me want to eitther; A) Get rid of it cause i couldnt bear to wake up and it actually be gone(But i really do not want to do this), or B) Put a good alarm system on it to try and make it a bit harder to break into.

so a bit off topic, but what alarm systems are you guys using and which ones would you recommend?

Cheers all, and keep your eyes out for those sticky fingered sub-scum car theiving morons. rant over:mad2:
Defenders are damned near impossible to make theft proof. All you can hope to do is slow them down a bit/maybe even put them off.

An alarm won't do much good.... although it won't do any harm either.

I would look at physical measures such as a good steering lock (eg Disklok), pedal lock (eg SafeTPedal), gear lock (eg X-Eng).

Maybe couple this with some unseen measures such as Tracker and cut-off switches.

To be honest though, you're only cutting your odds. It's getting beyond a joke. You can't do much against a flatbed/Hiab.
for now i've wired up a quick hidden immobiliser, put the truck behind my other car in front of the garage, left the barrel araldited up etc. i'm getting more security lights fiited outside my house and will be putting up cctv. i have started to make some physical barriers similar to the ones you have suggested to try and slow the buggers down. failing that i've seen some farm gate security devices in a local country store which run like a trip wire and fire a pair of 12g shotgun blanks, that should scare the life out of the (and wake everyone up to disturb them)

Are there any trackers better to look for? or just any as long as theyre a reputable brand?

cheers for your reply.
for now i've wired up a quick hidden immobiliser, put the truck behind my other car in front of the garage, left the barrel araldited up etc. i'm getting more security lights fiited outside my house and will be putting up cctv. i have started to make some physical barriers similar to the ones you have suggested to try and slow the buggers down. failing that i've seen some farm gate security devices in a local country store which run like a trip wire and fire a pair of 12g shotgun blanks, that should scare the life out of the (and wake everyone up to disturb them)

Are there any trackers better to look for? or just any as long as theyre a reputable brand?

cheers for your reply.

I've been seriously tempted to rig up an alarm mine or two in the cab myself, but I reckon there could be some real issues of legality and liability for personal injury here unfortunately.

Outside, I reckon it's a great idea so long as your surroundings are conducive to it - i.e. fairly isolated countryside where the odd shotty round going off isn't going to provoke undue alarm. If, on the other hand, you live in a built up area then I would be very careful.

As for tracking devices, I'll defer to the more knowledgeable on here.
i'm fairly rural, so shotty noises arent that usual, theres plenty of shoots around us.

it does annoy me, that if we did rig up security systems that caused injury etc to a thief, that we would be liable to prosecution, how can the law be on the wrong side? thiscountry does annoy me, far too PC!!

thanks for your hints, tips, and advice though mate
I've been seriously tempted to rig up an alarm mine or two in the cab myself, but I reckon there could be some real issues of legality and liability for personal injury here unfortunately.

Outside, I reckon it's a great idea so long as your surroundings are conducive to it - i.e. fairly isolated countryside where the odd shotty round going off isn't going to provoke undue alarm. If, on the other hand, you live in a built up area then I would be very careful.

As for tracking devices, I'll defer to the more knowledgeable on here.

im doing that with mine, whack a sticker on the window, liability absolved

ah, you mean an actual explosive, I was thinking stupidly loud siren and smoke bomb.
im doing that with mine, whack a sticker on the window, liability absolved

ah, you mean an actual explosive, I was thinking stupidly loud siren and smoke bomb.

Hi - yes, alarm mines use a blank shotty cartridge to make a very, very loud bang. In the confines of a Land Rover......well it wouldn't be pretty. A no-goer I think.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's legally possible to exclude liability for personal injury in that way. Damage or loss to property - yes, but not personal injury or death.
I wonder if it is possible to rig up something similar to the cash boxes security companies use. If you force the box, it colours everything in a dye. If someone was driving your landy and didnt de-activate it, it could explode in the cab. Police could look for someone with a blue face.
I wonder if it is possible to rig up something similar to the cash boxes security companies use. If you force the box, it colours everything in a dye. If someone was driving your landy and didnt de-activate it, it could explode in the cab. Police could look for someone with a blue face.

LOL good idea
I wonder if it is possible to rig up something similar to the cash boxes security companies use. If you force the box, it colours everything in a dye. If someone was driving your landy and didnt de-activate it, it could explode in the cab. Police could look for someone with a blue face.

but int that all tratter drivers on a winters day?
I wonder if it is possible to rig up something similar to the cash boxes security companies use. If you force the box, it colours everything in a dye. If someone was driving your landy and didnt de-activate it, it could explode in the cab. Police could look for someone with a blue face.

i had thought of this, using a paint grenade or something to go off
get some cctv with infared lights so theyre visiable.. we had to..

i''ve been looking into cctv systems, which one did you go for in the end, there seems to be quitea lot of decent ones out there that are comparable in price, but then some others that seem to be abit overpriced for the specs of the systems you get, eg too many extra channnels available for extra cameras etc.

I got mine from maplins and then bought a separate recording unit. got 2 cams on the front facing the whole driveway and u can choose motion detections, when to record, what times. most of them have audi recording as well to detect speach.
Cheers for the link, which recording unit did you go for in the end? would it be worth buying them seperate or buying them as a bundle like maplin/makro sell where you get everything in one box?

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