
New Member
Hi All.
First post here, been lurking for a while but hopefully someone can help.

Last evening i caught 2 chaps trying to steal my puma defender. I caught them with the bonnet open and the NS indicator repeater ripped off. Called the police whom arrived with 2 minutes of my call (pretty damn quick). However they didn't catch them.

This morning I have managed to fix most of the damage to the bonnet release mech but i am struggling with the indicators.

The hazards are working but i have not indicators and my indicators don't flash when locking or unlocking via the fob. I have checked the fuses and all is ok and the bulbs are fine too. My main question is there a different relay for hazards and indicators, or do you think i am looking in the wrong area.

Any help would be warmly accepted.


they will have shorted out the light to stop it flashing from the alarm, the hazzards are on a non ignition supply, deffo a fuse somewhere
If you can get yer pride and joy shifted to somewhere different and secure for a short wle. Twunts like this usually come back!!
If you are sure the fuses are ok, it may be the indicator relay itself with fused contacts.
Land Rover do a wiring mod/overlay harness and once fitted shorting the indicators won't help in stealing the vehicle. LTB00386 for part number.
Land Rover do a wiring mod/overlay harness and once fitted shorting the indicators won't help in stealing the vehicle. LTB00386 for part number.

Its the first time I've seen that, surely that should be a recall, rather than for the owner to pay for.

It only come up with forum stuff as well when you search the part number, so obviously not widely sold either.

+1 on the shift it for a bit, if they knew enough to sort out the alarm, they may also know it will take you a day or so to sort it and come back now its an easy target.

Do yopu have any additional security, disc lock etc, if not, now might be the time to invest.
LTB00386 is the ref number for the bulletin, the part numbers are on it.

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