
New Member
a pair of little buggers were caught trying to nick my 110 last night. Not sure if they were after an old car that was easy to nick for a ride home, or specifically a defender. Young couple, bloke and woman, few tools on them, charged with interfering with a vehicle. no doubt a slap on the wrist and not much else.

be warned.

luckily they hadnt quite got as far as cutting wires- just smashed off the ignition lock, steering cover/shrouds and did a couple of door locks.
Sorry to hear that mate! odd question, in that situation do they pay for the damage they cause? Or do you/your insurance?
Be interesting to know if there are any common factors in this. For example are they all Landys that go to Tong or other places.

Could be someone is targeting them and following people home.
Sorry to hear that mate! odd question, in that situation do they pay for the damage they cause? Or do you/your insurance?

an interesting question. i have a form to fill in to ask that the court makes them pay be compensation, but they wont have any money to do so. it is a pointless exercise really, but i may as well. Insurance would pay, but after the excess, and increased premiums for a few years, it isnt worth claiming anything much less than a grand IMHO.

The police wanted to take it to have scenes of crime go over it, and wanted me to pay for the recovery to their garage! I said that they were welcome to do what they needed to, but i wasn't going to pay for towing it away. They then decided that just taking the plastic away would do, but had ran out of evidence bags. I provided a freezer bag.

Luckily, the bits for the repair cost me 50 quid. i already had a couple of door barrels, and there will be a bit of labour at the garage to change the steering/ignition lock (I dont like doing electrics!!), so all i would be about the price of my insurance excess.
i am new to defender ownership, so havent been to Tong etc. think mine was maybe an easy vehicle to break into rather than because it was a landrover.
Getting to common this, if I or the dogs had got the ****s that had ago at mine I'd have delt with it hiw I see fit as I tried the police and they said nothing they can do as they Aint managed to take it,
Best thing about havin a landy when you catch the thieving, scummy bastards is that you can zip tie and gaffer them up, throw them in the back with the dogs to play with and drive to a secluded woodland! Forget the police- useless in these situations!

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