Ron MC

New Member
Hello, I have just registered on landyzone to warn everybody with a defender in the Hever area to beware as my defender was broken into last night. The theifs didn't manage to drive it away and it was left undamaged.
Has anybody else experienced this in recent days.
Hello, I have just registered on landyzone to warn everybody with a defender in the Hever area to beware as my defender was broken into last night. The theifs didn't manage to drive it away and it was left undamaged.
Has anybody else experienced this in recent days.

reports from a mate in edenbridge that fenders and series landies are getting broken into and stolen
Welcome. Glad to hear they never got it and didn't damage it. Was it your security measures that stopped them and if not have you upped your security?
I have a tracker and immobiliser. I will be fitting pedal locks over next two days.

pleased they didn't get there grubby paws on it

seeing so many hours are spent on fixing them up

good that you've already beefed up the security and u don't get any more problems
Guys, I'm craping myself about mine getting nicked at the moment, I'm fitting a x defend pedal lock this weekend and I've got TRACKER, I wanna get dead locks and smash proof/tint the glass, and I'm looking into a separate battery ignition... mines a 300tdi an immobiliser isn't gonna help to much.. any other tips? Stealing lock too? It's gonna take me 40 minutes just to lock the landy soon hahah ;)

Glad to hear the ****s didn't get yours away mate
Visual deterrents are good, Big bright locks, it may make them go for an easier target.
Hidden interlocks, fuel solenoid valve, Ignition12V supply.
Trackers are good, but one was stolen recently and within 5 minutes the tracker went dead. I do not know make of tracker.
Smart water on critical parts, so that if ever the old bill find a chop shop they may help identify stolen parts.

Block it in with another vehicle.

Fingers crossed.

Some tracking devices can be jammed with a device readily available online.
You can only do the best that you can. Also try to get it insured with an agreed value so if it does get stolen, at least you will get a decent payout and be able to buy another.
Out of interest, are the TD5's really any harder to nick (I know they bypass the ECU/Immobiliser security somehow, but is it a bit of a ballache for them?)
If they don't know how to start it, they lift or tow it away. It's sad to think this is becoming more popular unless it's a case more peeps are telling us about theirs being taken in this way.
Out of interest, are the TD5's really any harder to nick (I know they bypass the ECU/Immobiliser security somehow, but is it a bit of a ballache for them?)

Not really no, don't rely on factory fitted if you want to keep it

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