Guards are great but 5 mins with a stanley knife will have the windscreen out, defender security is proper crap.
Oh and you don't infringe anyone’s rights if your "detecting crime and public disorder" council planning enforcement decided to leave as I begged them to take me to court and then the same council could answer why their tenant breaches councils own guidelines for tenants.

Every time **** happens- local police enquire if I have I have cctv lol if they ask nicely I provide it if it winds it into my dickhead neighbour
That is the best thing I've heard! detecting crime and public disorder!

I've bought a 4 camera and DVR for 52 quid in a bid on ebay today and got myself a 1TB HDD so it'll record itself for a long time. just need to put them high enough they can't mess with them.

I hate to hear of scumbag arseholes doing this to peoples property. I'd take the 12 bore to them, I really would..

Anyway I'm getting these made up. Look way better than most of the guards I've seen,

View attachment 89048
Where from? they are pretty sweet looking. Mines a Hardtop though so only has back windows, but still pretty nice.
I have a 110 HT as well but will be fitting some Masai side windows. Unfortunately the only place I can find that sell the type pictured is in Russia.
However the pic is good enough that I can get a set fabricated locally.
A tip for installing the CCTV cameras - it doesn't matter if they can reach them, you've just got to put them in a position whereby they can only be approached from the front. That way they'll have to come right up to the camera to disable it, which they'll likely try to do, and they're most likely to identify themselves at that point.

Also, CCTV cameras aren't magical, they won't take a perfect shot of the whole area. They will however take a perfect shot of a small part of the area and an ok shot of the rest, so choose where you want the camera to be looking and optimise it for that. The camera will have a point whereby the image is nice and crisp, so aim that right where the vehicle will be sitting.

It sounds simple, but it's easy to forget, and you'll only really notice when you realise they made off with it and the only description you can give is 'wearing dark clothing and incredibly blurred'.

Also I'd recommend replacing at least one of those cameras for something much better, they usually ship these systems with utterly crap cameras, so you want to use the crap ones to watch the general area, to get evidence of crimes being committed, and one good one that will be better able to identify the criminals.

I replaced all the cameras in my mum's jewellery shop a few years ago and when she was robbed the police were able to get DNA evidence because one of the cameras picked up that he'd pressed his nose against the glass. He got five years for the robbery and an assault. The cameras I used weren't that expensive, I just spent a long time setting them up!
Cut screen out climb inside and open all doors from inside and remove all contents with no effort.
My simple advice would be leave nothing of value inside the car.
Mine has a bit of cardboard an old screwed up boat canvas and a watering can for some reason!
Someone is Really upset with me... I backed my 90 right up against a car to stop them getting into the back as a temporary fix... and I just got a picture of my wing mirror...

smashed in!

I don't quite know what to do, I've got in touch with the police, and going to be finding out tonight what i can do, when I get home
The police won't do anything. I had a Renault Senic and every time there was a home game ( Football) some bastard would smash several mirrors down our road. I had three broke at £25 a time.
Get an alarm with volume sensing inside so if the door's or windows open it will set it oft.

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