
Active Member
Well, knew it was gonna happen eventually...

I have had my 1986 d90 for 4 weeks now and someone has tried to get into it, typical way with the rear left window and pulling the rubber out, he was an amateur most definately as he scratched all the paint work :'( which you don't need to do to get the rubber off! (that's really annoyed me).

I have a feeling it was probably mainly to get the jack I left in it overnight tbh (I bought a 5ft jack that day!)

Moral of the story I have found my self:
1. don't leave anything in the back
2. I live in a horrible place I thought was nice :'(

pain in the backside because I have that jack in there so if I get a flat..!

I am thinking of getting a shopping trolley and cutting it up, using the bars and welding some kind of bracket to go over the back windows, so that even if they did manage to pop the window out with the rubber, they couldn't get past the metal guard in the way, so they couldn't unlock the back door?

What's other good ways to help dissuade scum trying to get in?

I have an isolator and I am waiting on a GPS sim card to arrive so I can install a GPS into it. I have a half bolted metal mesh seperating the cab and back, bolted into the rear bulkhead behind the seats, about to now be bolted through the roof too.

Also started to back up to my dads car to within half a foot, so even if they unlocked the door, they can't open it!

Any other advice is greatly appreciated.
sorry to hear that. i used to leave my work van unlocked but emtpy of any tools etc and STILL had the window smashed whilst trying to get at the rubber (if only they'd tried the door)
Someone is Really upset with me... I backed my 90 right up against a car to stop them getting into the back as a temporary fix... and I just got a picture of my wing mirror...

smashed in!

I don't quite know what to do, I've got in touch with the police, and going to be finding out tonight what i can do, when I get home
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Pic dont work! Wing mirrors are dirt cheap so not too bad!

Just fixed the photo, I know they are cheap, just why is someone doing this to me :(

and what are the chances I replace it they will do it again :/

CCTV is going on order tonight to say the least.
Someone is Really upset with me... I backed my 90 right up against a car to stop them getting into the back as a temporary fix... and I just got a picture of my wing mirror...

smashed in!

I don't quite know what to do, I've got in touch with the police, and going to be finding out tonight what i can do, when I get home
And you think they did this because you parked close to them or was the car you parked close to one of yours?
I agree total ****. CCTV is a good shout just make sure its hidden or the little scrote might rip that down!

The link I posted up do 3 piece kits to cover the rear window and quarter lights, could use rivets but I was going to use stainless steel torx heads and nyloc nuts on the back. So its a tad harder to have the right tool to un-do it, if you do have the right tool the nuts should just spin on the back. Being stainless would be rather hard to drill out.
As an aside to getting stuff nicked and yer Land beaten up a hi-lift is a completely unsuitable tool to use from changing tyres.

They are wonderful multi use tools but require the use of extreme caution.....not something that mixes well with being on the side of a busy road while it's ****ing it down....

Get a proper jack for flats
And you think they did this because you parked close to them or was the car you parked close to one of yours?
Was my dads car I parked close to, so I hope it wasn't my dad, as he backed me up against it! :p

As an aside to getting stuff nicked and yer Land beaten up a hi-lift is a completely unsuitable tool to use from changing tyres.

They are wonderful multi use tools but require the use of extreme caution.....not something that mixes well with being on the side of a busy road while it's ****ing it down....

Get a proper jack for flats
Will be getting a proper jack, I have a little Bottle jack but not keen on that one, proper one is in next months paycheck, but first priority is CCTV
Was my dads car I parked close to, so I hope it wasn't my dad, as he backed me up against it! :p
So it was not because they thought you were too close (some people hate LR's parking close to them they must think the mud is contagious).
I hope you find out who is responsible for these acts and they get there just rewards.:mad::mad::mad:
As an aside to getting stuff nicked and yer Land beaten up a hi-lift is a completely unsuitable tool to use from changing tyres.

They are wonderful multi use tools but require the use of extreme caution.....not something that mixes well with being on the side of a busy road while it's ****ing it down....

Get a proper jack for flats

How come? Never had an issue with mine, that said Ive never changed a tire at the side of the road though.
How come? Never had an issue with mine, that said Ive never changed a tire at the side of the road though.

Jacking from the cross member, front dumb iron or even rock sliders means tipping the vehicle the full height of suspension travel before a wheel lifts. The higher it is the more unstable it is and the steeper the angles.

If you've ever used one to move a vehicle sideways and realised how easy it is to shift it 3 feet in one go using a hi-lift as a pivot it's suitability as a first call straight wheel lift tool is obvious.

Far better and safer to lift under axle.
I see. Never jacked from the rockslider, if I need to change a front tyre I jack from the front bumper, where the original jacking hole would have been. As for the rear I jack off the crossmember usually with the boot door open. Always with the handbrake on, diff locked and in gear.

But I do agree about jack under an axle, much better option just dont have a scissor jack!
We had some serious trouble with "humans" ( i use the term loosely) doing "stuff". it was so bad at one point that the Police loaned us their "lend a cam" CCTV system, and made us a police protection area. They were very very good about it all. Point being that once this happened, things quietened down.. and once we got CCTV of our own, we got back to normality.

Thus, highly recommend CCTV. Best of luck with it all too.
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We had some serious trouble with "humans" ( i use the term loosely) doing "stuff". it was so bad at one point that the Police loaned us their "lend a cam" CCTV system, and made us a police protection area. They were very very good about it all. Point being that once this happened, things quietened down.. and once we got CCTV of our own, we got back to normality.

Thus, highly recommend CCTV. Best of luck with too.

My dickhead neighbour has tried everything to get cctv removed as he knows it is there and working-but still does stupid things and gets repeatedly caught
Oh and you don't infringe anyone’s rights if your "detecting crime and public disorder" council planning enforcement decided to leave as I begged them to take me to court and then the same council could answer why their tenant breaches councils own guidelines for tenants.

Every time **** happens- local police enquire if I have I have cctv lol if they ask nicely I provide it if it winds it into my dickhead neighbour
I hate to hear of scumbag arseholes doing this to peoples property. I'd take the 12 bore to them, I really would..

Anyway I'm getting these made up. Look way better than most of the guards I've seen,


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