The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
Well guys n gurlz - heres ya chance to take the michael.

wanted - a beast for use once a month off-roading - so its gotta be really cheep.
Wotcha think?

? :D;)
or yu got summat betta in mind?
At the risk of being slagged off unmercifully.....
wtf is it based on?
yu wont like it Trewy.....

Milner R4 Pro Truck
Toyota 4 litre V8
Properly SVA'd & approved space-frame.
You are NOT coming out with us in THAT! OK, point taken, I'd rather be seen with yer slitty.
The back end looks like a fekin Thunderbird & yes I do mean the animated show, not that Merkin motor.
Crikey _ i thort I wud fan the flames with this one - but so many, so soon - thanks?! folks.
it mite have to be a deepender - bum - I will nevva live it down if I do:(

sorry Trewy - they wudnt give me a price - but I dont reckon it falls into the "its gotta be really cheep." category - do yu?
WADDAYA EXPECT! You loiter on a Landy forum and don't even pretend to own one.

Then you suggest it might be a good idea if you bought what could only be described as a plastic truck that looks like a P100 styled by a Thunderbirds fan and expect us to continue to tolerate your presence? You've a bluddy nerve Daft! ;)
thats not fur - i DID own one:(
and i aint deffo sed i wont agin - just NEVVA a Hippoo.

and I werent REALLY suggestin it;)
I used to own a boat, but I don't feel the need to smoke a pipe, wear a smock and whistle fekin sea shantys do I?

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