
New Member
Any one know when the nwxt one is went last time and had a laff wanna go gen

Waiting moistly to get muddy
Where you there on the 25th of November??

If so, I was too, you might want a look at this video as I may have caught you...

I have a few pics (quite a few actually), if you describe your Disco I'll see if I have any of you...
Yep I was there on the 25th I'll try and post a piccy later so you know what you're looking for, still can't find out when the next one is though :mad:
You've not fitted a snorkel and winch bumper since have you??? or taken them off...


I dont suppose this is you, due to the lack of above mentioned snorkel and bumper..had to tow this one out as the V8 didn't like the water...
hi all i wondered if any of you go laning or up for some fun around stratford, i only have a freelander tho with mts on, pm me if i can tag along or another newbie wants to go together
Is this a record?! 5 year thread revival. :D

I dont think Aston cantlow runs anymore. havent heard about it in a while anyway.

As regards laning in the midlands, try the greenlaning section and look for posts for warwickshire, midlands, staffordshire. There isnt many lanes in the whole area so you have to go a little further afield for some.
I can confirm what BGB said and that is that Aston Cantlow (2 miles from my house) doesn't run any more. A five year old thread indeed :doh:
Try Wagtails 4x4 pay and play, maybe going myself on sunday

That's Granby Farm where we went the other day in Halford (see photos thread). If you go then make sure there are lots of you as you WILL get stuck many times ;)
If you are going to Granby at the moment then be ready to get very muddy. Actually I am not sure if it is really mud, it might be some weird dump of alien grease; I have never ever experienced such slippy goop! Its fun though...

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