
Active Member
Had anyone any info if this company are still operational?
I've sent off parts and payed in full for a series Land Rover bulkhead repair galv etc
It's been nearly a year and they have not completed the work.
No answer on phone or email ,
The odd time I get a response ,it's excuse after excuse . Would mind but they have my parts and over £1200 of my cash!! Now I wouldn't mind if it were six months, but a year!!!
May have to start legal matters if it draws on any longer
Had anyone any info if this company are still operational?
I've sent off parts and payed in full for a series Land Rover bulkhead repair galv etc
It's been nearly a year and they have not completed the work.
No answer on phone or email ,
The odd time I get a response ,it's excuse after excuse . Would mind but they have my parts and over £1200 of my cash!! Now I wouldn't mind if it were six months, but a year!!!
May have to start legal matters if it draws on any longer
After such a length of time I think you need to go and see them. Go sit in their office before you start with the lawyers.

Lawyers in my experience don't help. Perhaps one of those BBC consumer rights ninjas would be better? Failing that a few mates with no necks...
A year for any work is rediculous.
Its not clear what they are doing for you but a fabricator could make a new bulkhead in a week.
If it was beyond repair they should have told you and given you some options.
It might take another year to sort out legally so it might be worth while writing to them and explaining you now consider this an outstanding debt and you are in the process of passing this debt onto ( inset local meat head security company).
Just had a very quick look round the net and it seems this is the norm.
Lots of disgruntled customers, shoddy workmanship and stories of illness and personal problems.

I wonder if it has New York, Paris, Peckham on the side of their three wheeler.

These are not professionals by the look of it. Probably being run out of a back kitchen and a lockup.
There are lots of accounts of people just giving up on smaller items but this might be what they are counting on.
Good luck with your purchase. It looks like your going to need it.
I got a front panel from them 2 years ago and they were reasonably prompt and hand delivered the item.
A year is unacceptable and makes me wonder if they're in some kind of trouble.
Given that it's a large sum of money, a personal visit might be a good idea. Did you pay by credit card? If so, get on to the card company.
Have heard similar about this company unfortunately, about them not getting done etc. Being flaky.
£1200 is massive money I could never afford for this work, I'd expect fast service, at least an effort to communicate properly with the customer if I gave them a lot less money than that :(
Have heard similar about this company unfortunately, about them not getting done etc. Being flaky.
£1200 is massive money I could never afford for this work, I'd expect fast service, at least an effort to communicate properly with the customer if I gave them a lot less money than that :(
You are in an unfortunate position as they have both your money and your bulkhead. Not an ideal one to be in but I can understand it happens. I would just say "forget it" give me back both...
Just had a very quick look round the net and it seems this is the norm.
Lots of disgruntled customers, shoddy workmanship and stories of illness and personal problems.

Oh dear, just had a look as well and I'm afraid it doesn't look good. Lots of complaints about the quality of work as well.
Why would you pay for it before any work was completed? Why wait 12 months?

I hope you paid by credit card
Why would you pay for it before any work was completed? Why wait 12 months?

I hope you paid by credit card
They allowed me to start paying over a 9 month period in instalment, which I thought to be fair was decent of them, with final payment just over a year ago , hence why I've given them the benift of the dought.
Well, possible progress may have been made.
Following on from my posts in the forum , I've managed to get hold of ashtree And be told the works nearly done and booked in to galaviser next week for delivery the following week .
So fingers crossed they stand by this !!
Have heard similar about this company unfortunately, about them not getting done etc. Being flaky.
£1200 is massive money I could never afford for this work, I'd expect fast service, at least an effort to communicate properly with the customer if I gave them a lot less money than that :(
Absolutely , it's not like it's just a 5 pound flea bay purchase !!
They are bloody useless
I cancelled my bulkhead after they messed me about for months
great on the phone, but ****e at everything else
They allowed me to start paying over a 9 month period in instalment, which I thought to be fair was decent of them, with final payment just over a year ago , hence why I've given them the benift of the dought.
So you are saying it has been one year and nine months?
I used Ashtree for a bulkhead, front panel and cappings. I was told it would be 3 months. Had a call after 4 weeks saying it would be available in another 6 weeks time. Pleased with the products on the whole. Have read the mixed reviews though. I think they bite off more than they can chew sometimes. They take orders from across Europe.
If I were you I'd keep up the pressure - ring them again and make sure it got to the galvanisers...

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