
New Member
Hi Guys

Thought I would share a small tip cause I tried searching for this but couldn't find anything.

I've got a 1998 300tdi (disco1) and the ashtray on the dashboard wouldn't stay closed, a small but frustrating issue I'm sure you would agree. I found this was caused by a broken clip that is situated under the removable ashtray. Without this clip the spring located above the ashtray forces it to keep opening.

On the dashboard, you have the ashtray on the left, cupholder centrally and three buttons for fog light, spot light and heated windscreen on the right opposite the ashtray. I found when I unclipped these buttons, there is another carriage for an ashtray (for left hand drive vehicles perhaps?) therefore there is a spare clip that can be removed and utilised to replace the broken clip thereby solving the problem without having to spend any cash.

Hope this is useful to someone. :cool:


my drinks holder only stays shut when it feels like it... i'm getting quite close to justifying destroying it as "weight saving"

Yeh, I don't smoke or have the need for the ashtray either. If I didn't manage to fix it, I probably would have chucked it too!

Disco147, I am pretty sure that the drinks holder has the same retaining clip as the ashtray. Perhaps it could be broken?
Snigger.... wait till he gets a prop emerge through the floor with a bang! :rolleyes:
Lol, had my fair share of steering boxes melting, cylinder head gaskets popping, sunroofs leaking etc. Just another day in the life of a landrover owner ey ;)

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