Yep with some different axle mounts so gain abit more over the normal set up with 16's.
Works very well..
Just gots sort the front out abit more now

Nice! Whats she like on the road, and have you got a pic of how it mounts on the axle? Gonna fab some up when I get my garage... And welder... Can't really sneak a landrover axle into the workshop at work hahaha :D:D
Thanks maxy man I think I'll leave the at the moment though not got £200+ spare just now.

I don't agrees the a stantard cone works the way everyone is saying.
They pop up on the devon 4x4 forum occasionally, I picked mine up Second hand for under £100 about 1 mile from my house and I live in the middle of no where hahaa.
Ever need anything suspension wise or generally anything extreme offroady go on their forums and go through there for sales/ wanted section :)

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