
Beer tester
LZIR Despatch Agent
Yesterday i was reading a thread about knackered viscous couplings and there was a video of one wheel beinbg lifted and rotated.I CANT FIND THAT THREAD NOW!Ive lifted my wheel and it wont turn.The thread said this means the VC is shagged.Is this right?If i lift both front wheels they turn but in different directions.Do i need a new vc?And wheres that thread gone!!!???
the reason both wheels turn in different directions is the action of the differential.
to check your vc jsck up one front whell it doesn`t matter which , get a wheel brace on one of the nuts and then try to turn the wheel ( the wheel brace will help with leverage ) you shoud just be able to turn it .
yeah tried to move it with one wheel up and couldnt but didnt get the brace on it though.Ill have to try that.If it dont move then that means the vc is dogged?
when the vc is knackered you will soon know it makes it crap to drive , especially on a loose surface on lock , the front wheels will be trying to gain purchase and kick up crap .
This is the video you are referring to. It isn't the best quality but that's all that photobucket would let me do at the time I made it.

-Wills :)
the wheel just about turns with the brace on and me full weight on it(and im not small)Does this mean its on its way out cos its so stiff?
the wheel just about turns with the brace on and me full weight on it(and im not small)Does this mean its on its way out cos its so stiff?

Wouldn't of thought so, when mine was shagged you could attach a long breaker bar and have two people try and turn the wheel and it wouldn't budge. I think your VC is fine, you have to remember even if your not a small guy the forces on the system from the road when your travelling are going to be far greater than you could ever manage.

When you jacked the wheel up, as it left contact with the ground did it rotate at all??

-Wills :)
Technically, in theory, if you do it properly, following the test guidelines from a site like Ashcrofts, then you need to insert fuse 11 on the side of the BeCM to put the transfer case in neutral and then do the test.

However, when I filmed the above clip the vehicle was jacked up, both rear wheels were well chocked, gear selector in N and handbrake off. Main reason for this was because I didn't have a spare fuse to insert at the time, of course, after doing it I realised I had forgot the whole row of spares stored in the BeCM and the engine fuse box!

-Wills :)

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