
Hi to anyone who reads this post.

I suggest you read this then make up your own mind wether you want to buy
a car from Arnold Clark.

I will tell you as it is, which is more than an Arnold Clark salesman will
do, believe me.

I purchase a used car from Arnold Clark Nissan Hamilton Rd Glasgow in June
2004, the car was three years old so I decided to purchase a 2 year
Autocare warranty.

The salesman told me this warranty would cover me for everything if the
car should break down, parts, labour, breakdown assistance, even a car to
get me home if my car could not be fixed by the road side.

I should have known it was too good to be true but this salesman was
excellent at relaying the benifits.

For the first two months I hardly used the car as I worked a lot of
weekends, then free time became available and I decided to see a bit more
of this country.

I felt safe knowing that if anything went wrong, I was covered by this
warranty, wrong!!!!

The car just came to a stop on the 21st january 2005, six and a half
months after I bought the car, four hundred miles from home in the middle
of nowhere.

I called Autocare, the guy I spoke to said he could not find the place I
was on his map and said call the AA yourself and tell them where you are,
I felt like I had been abandoned.

I was stranded in the middle of the country, I had about £5 in my mobile
and it was getting dark, I had no idea where the nearest town or phone box
was, I felt I was being abandoned by the very people I had paid £395 to
help me.

I called the AA and explained about the lack of funds in my phone and the
lady called me back, she was terrific and arranged to have a van and
mechanic attend my breakdown.

I thought that things were sorted and intended to complain to Arnold Clark
about the lack of service and this guys attitude.
I had no idea this attitude must be part of the training as everyone at
Arnold Clark seems to be the same way.

They are so nice before they get your money and totally different after,
Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde spring to mind.

Anyway the AA guy, Rolly was his name, was also fantastic.
He took my car to the nearest Suzuki dealer then took me to pick up my 24
hour emergency hire car to get me home, he even took me far enough to join
the motor way home, for this I thank him and wish to thnk the AA for
knowing how to treat a person.

I got home in the early hours of the morning and decided to call Autocare
to verify I could keep the hire car for a maximum of seven days, according
to the warranty policy.

The Autocare guy said I could and the policy would cover seven days hire
up to £25 per day.

He asked me to call the garage and ask someone there to call Autocare,
which I did, although I thought this would have been done by them, did
they want my money for doing nothing?

The garage agreed, I thought this would be thing sorted, but was I ever
wrong again.
The garage called me and aske for me to call Autocare to confirm a 35,000
mile service, I agreed to call although I explained that the car was
bought at 35,500 miles from arnold Clark.

When I called Autocare and told them they had the car at this mileage the
story changed, they made a mistake it should have been 44,000 miles.

I explained I had not been told by the salesman this was a condition of
the policy, In fact I had not been told of any conditions at all.
The Autocare guy said I should take this up with the dealer who sold me
the car.

I called the dealer and asked to speak to the salesman and was informed he
did not work there any more, how convenient.

I asked to speak to the branch manager and was told it was his day off.
That evening I decided to contact Arnold Clarks customer services.
I emailed all the details and explained I was not informed of any
conditions on this warranty policy.

They said they would look into it along with the branch manager, they also
said they would contact me the next day, they did not.

I called them and they said they would chase the branch manager up.
He called that evening to tell me Autocare would not cover repairs to my
car because it was not serviced at 44,000 miles.
I explained what I had told Autocare about the salesman conveniently
forgetting to mention any conditions, he offered me a discount on my next

When I refused his kind offer, he said he would have to speak to his
superior and would get back to me, he never did.
I contacted customer services again and they gave me the same story.

I tried again to explain that I would not spend £395 on a warranty policy
and miss a service knowing that this would make my policy null and void,
the customer services turned a bit like the Autocare guy, could not care
less mate.

I got a call from the garage to see what was happening, Niel at the garage
explained the damage and gave me an idea of what to expect.
The amount off the top of his head was £1500 - £2000 to repair my car.

I told him I would need to get back to him on that as there was no way in
this world I had that kind of cash to pay for the repairs, he then told me
I had a bill for them just looking at it of £293.

Things were going from bad to worse I thought.

I decided I was getting nowhere so time to try a new approach, trading
standards, citizen's advice, anyone who would listen and maybe help, this
has been ongoing for the past two weeks, every night emails, every day
phone calls.

Today I recieved another call from the garage, ever heard of kicking a man
when he's down, the estimate for repairs is now £2946.09.

The car I bought six and a half months ago at £8999, which I found out was
over priced at that time by about £1000 and is now worth £6999, in working
condition that is.

It will cost me nearly have the value to repair the car and I still have
to travel 400 miles to collect it and bring it home.

I feel I should have been informed at the time of purchase that there were
conditions on the policy and what these conditions were.
Also document that should have had the next service time or mileage on
them were left blank by this salesman.

The Autocare policy also has sections for service details but this was not
completed either although Arnold Clark said a service was done before I
purchased the car.
If this is so then it should have been no problem to complete the
documents, I would also have been on their system for a letter to be sent
to remind me of the next service, which everyone is supposed to get.

I am at this moment in time waiting to hear from the Financial Ombudsman
Service as to whether they can help me.

I apologise for this very long story but if it did hold your attension
then it has served a purpose, a warning to everyone out there not to get
sucked in just because you think you will get treated better by a bigger

Arnold Clark, Promises delivered, I don't think so!!!!!!!

Let's see, you drove *more* than 8,500 miles without any services,
then want the warranty to cover it? Get real, if you had bothered to
read the contract you would have seen that services were required. If
you had bothered to read the owner's manual you would have seen
services were required. If you had any sense, you would know services
are required. Pay up, and do your services next time!

On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 18:12:36 -0500, "PeterF" <fpeter@blueyonder.co.uk>

>Hi to anyone who reads this post.
>I suggest you read this then make up your own mind wether you want to buy
>a car from Arnold Clark.
>I will tell you as it is, which is more than an Arnold Clark salesman will
>do, believe me.
>I purchase a used car from Arnold Clark Nissan Hamilton Rd Glasgow in June
>2004, the car was three years old so I decided to purchase a 2 year
>Autocare warranty.
>The salesman told me this warranty would cover me for everything if the
>car should break down, parts, labour, breakdown assistance, even a car to
>get me home if my car could not be fixed by the road side.
>I should have known it was too good to be true but this salesman was
>excellent at relaying the benifits.
>For the first two months I hardly used the car as I worked a lot of
>weekends, then free time became available and I decided to see a bit more
>of this country.
>I felt safe knowing that if anything went wrong, I was covered by this
>warranty, wrong!!!!
>The car just came to a stop on the 21st january 2005, six and a half
>months after I bought the car, four hundred miles from home in the middle
>of nowhere.
>I called Autocare, the guy I spoke to said he could not find the place I
>was on his map and said call the AA yourself and tell them where you are,
>I felt like I had been abandoned.
>I was stranded in the middle of the country, I had about £5 in my mobile
>and it was getting dark, I had no idea where the nearest town or phone box
>was, I felt I was being abandoned by the very people I had paid £395 to
>help me.
>I called the AA and explained about the lack of funds in my phone and the
>lady called me back, she was terrific and arranged to have a van and
>mechanic attend my breakdown.
>I thought that things were sorted and intended to complain to Arnold Clark
>about the lack of service and this guys attitude.
>I had no idea this attitude must be part of the training as everyone at
>Arnold Clark seems to be the same way.
>They are so nice before they get your money and totally different after,
>Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde spring to mind.
>Anyway the AA guy, Rolly was his name, was also fantastic.
>He took my car to the nearest Suzuki dealer then took me to pick up my 24
>hour emergency hire car to get me home, he even took me far enough to join
>the motor way home, for this I thank him and wish to thnk the AA for
>knowing how to treat a person.
>I got home in the early hours of the morning and decided to call Autocare
>to verify I could keep the hire car for a maximum of seven days, according
>to the warranty policy.
>The Autocare guy said I could and the policy would cover seven days hire
>up to £25 per day.
>He asked me to call the garage and ask someone there to call Autocare,
>which I did, although I thought this would have been done by them, did
>they want my money for doing nothing?
>The garage agreed, I thought this would be thing sorted, but was I ever
>wrong again.
>The garage called me and aske for me to call Autocare to confirm a 35,000
>mile service, I agreed to call although I explained that the car was
>bought at 35,500 miles from arnold Clark.
>When I called Autocare and told them they had the car at this mileage the
>story changed, they made a mistake it should have been 44,000 miles.
>I explained I had not been told by the salesman this was a condition of
>the policy, In fact I had not been told of any conditions at all.
>The Autocare guy said I should take this up with the dealer who sold me
>the car.
>I called the dealer and asked to speak to the salesman and was informed he
>did not work there any more, how convenient.
>I asked to speak to the branch manager and was told it was his day off.
>That evening I decided to contact Arnold Clarks customer services.
>I emailed all the details and explained I was not informed of any
>conditions on this warranty policy.
>They said they would look into it along with the branch manager, they also
>said they would contact me the next day, they did not.
>I called them and they said they would chase the branch manager up.
>He called that evening to tell me Autocare would not cover repairs to my
>car because it was not serviced at 44,000 miles.
>I explained what I had told Autocare about the salesman conveniently
>forgetting to mention any conditions, he offered me a discount on my next
>When I refused his kind offer, he said he would have to speak to his
>superior and would get back to me, he never did.
>I contacted customer services again and they gave me the same story.
>I tried again to explain that I would not spend £395 on a warranty policy
>and miss a service knowing that this would make my policy null and void,
>the customer services turned a bit like the Autocare guy, could not care
>less mate.
>I got a call from the garage to see what was happening, Niel at the garage
>explained the damage and gave me an idea of what to expect.
>The amount off the top of his head was £1500 - £2000 to repair my car.
>I told him I would need to get back to him on that as there was no way in
>this world I had that kind of cash to pay for the repairs, he then told me
>I had a bill for them just looking at it of £293.
>Things were going from bad to worse I thought.
>I decided I was getting nowhere so time to try a new approach, trading
>standards, citizen's advice, anyone who would listen and maybe help, this
>has been ongoing for the past two weeks, every night emails, every day
>phone calls.
>Today I recieved another call from the garage, ever heard of kicking a man
>when he's down, the estimate for repairs is now £2946.09.
>The car I bought six and a half months ago at £8999, which I found out was
>over priced at that time by about £1000 and is now worth £6999, in working
>condition that is.
>It will cost me nearly have the value to repair the car and I still have
>to travel 400 miles to collect it and bring it home.
>I feel I should have been informed at the time of purchase that there were
>conditions on the policy and what these conditions were.
>Also document that should have had the next service time or mileage on
>them were left blank by this salesman.
>The Autocare policy also has sections for service details but this was not
>completed either although Arnold Clark said a service was done before I
>purchased the car.
>If this is so then it should have been no problem to complete the
>documents, I would also have been on their system for a letter to be sent
>to remind me of the next service, which everyone is supposed to get.
>I am at this moment in time waiting to hear from the Financial Ombudsman
>Service as to whether they can help me.
>I apologise for this very long story but if it did hold your attension
>then it has served a purpose, a warning to everyone out there not to get
>sucked in just because you think you will get treated better by a bigger
>Arnold Clark, Promises delivered, I don't think so!!!!!!!


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